1 (edited by Jperkins 2022-02-06 04:39:35)

Topic: High Precision Option

So far, I've only seen this in WaveLab Pro but does anybody have any insight between the two different options for the Topic: ADI-2 Pro FS R BE that I'm seeing here?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/2tgjtuzvll4ym … M.png?dl=0

I've been searching the manual about it but haven't seen anything, unless maybe it's DSD related.


Re: High Precision Option

That should be in the WaveLab manual, or online help. I expect this to be the 32 bit direct method, working around the 24 bit float limitation of CoreAudio. You would see a change with the 32 bit Bit Test file then.

Matthias Carstens

Re: High Precision Option

MC wrote:

That should be in the WaveLab manual, or online help. I expect this to be the 32 bit direct method, working around the 24 bit float limitation of CoreAudio. You would see a change with the 32 bit Bit Test file then.

Thanks for the info. I'm actually WaveLab beta tester and in contact with the WaveLab developer and I don't think this technically in the manual.

He seemed to think that RME had something to do with this new feature too, especially since my AES and AIO Pro card do not have this option...though I would welcome it smile

He said "that was originally done for certain Yamaha hardware. Apparently, RME provides this too now."


Re: High Precision Option

Talking about the 32 bit direct method we have zero copyrights on this. We learned about this years ago when advanced Mac players like Audirvana introduced that method. The ADI-2 Pro and DAC use Apple's macOS Class Compliant driver (no RME driver), so support for this mode again is not caused by us in any way. But thanks for the flowers wink

Matthias Carstens

Re: High Precision Option

There's nothing special in the 32bit integer mode. Any audio device can be made to support it.
RME ADI-2 Pro/DAC is just one of the many 32bit integer mode capable devices.

Some operating system such as Linux can support 32bit integer mode out of box.
On Mac, CoreAudio runs the audio pipeline using 32bit float, which is not compatible with 32bit integer (there's no 1:1 mapping).
With a Mac, bit tests of 16 and 24 bits should passed trivially, because 32 bit float can preserve 16 or 24 bit integer precision automatically.
32bit integer needs special work (some players did that and called it integer mode) and very few player support it.
Unless you are a theoretical audiophile there's no point supporting it, as the DAC it self cannot preserve linearity beyond 24 bits anyway.

6 (edited by Jperkins 2022-02-07 18:21:16)

Re: High Precision Option

MC wrote:

Talking about the 32 bit direct method we have zero copyrights on this. We learned about this years ago when advanced Mac players like Audirvana introduced that method. The ADI-2 Pro and DAC use Apple's macOS Class Compliant driver (no RME driver), so support for this mode again is not caused by us in any way. But thanks for the flowers wink

Thanks for the info. This thread is confusing me more than it's helping because it seems that RME nor WaveLab is taking credit for the High Precision mode.

Plus, a few months ago I asked about the Audionirvana method of bypassing Core Audio, I was told that it's not really a thing to care about.

I guess in reality, I'll use the High Precision mode and not worry about it but its existence is still confusing to me. Especially because I only see it in WaveLab right now.

I don't see it in Qobuz, REAPER, or Pro Tools for example.


Re: High Precision Option

JRiver has it. DAWs usually not. As ning said - don't worry, normal mode is more than good enough.

Matthias Carstens