Topic: Plase add the SAFE function to all channels in TotalMix

Hi, I would love to have a SAFE function added to TotalMix channels, as many digital consoles have, so when I call a snapshot the channels with SAFE activated won't change and will keep at it currant state unaltered.

This could open a huge amount of possibilities while working on the ARC USB controller, for instance I could assign SNAP buttons to snapshots with 3 or 4 main monitors levels and call them while doing a drum recording and have all the routing a mixes for the drummer unaltered while recalling my specific levels for my monitors.


Re: Plase add the SAFE function to all channels in TotalMix

As you can send inputs and playback outputs to any number of hardware output channels (submixes) I have no clue how to implement such a functionality without screwing routings/mixes while loading other mixer states (snapshots). The output levels aka fader position at least of the Control Room can be excluded from loading already, see Preferences in TM FX.

Matthias Carstens