1 (edited by stefan.r.johansson 2022-02-11 19:22:20)

Topic: Babyface RME ( Blue ) driver dont work when new update to Katalina

Hello there


After uploading Catalina 10.15.7

My Babyface disapear from harddrive

so i downloaded the driver from RME , driver_usb_mac_3221.zip

version 3.221. Compatible to 10.12 up to 10.15. M1 user please download macOS 11 and up USB Series Driver.
Supported products
Babyface, Babyface Pro, Babyface Pro FS, Digiface USB, Fireface 802, Fireface UC, Fireface UCX, Fireface UCX II, Fireface UFX, Fireface UFX II, Fireface UFX+, MADIface Pro, MADIface USB, MADIface XT

Now i reboot my computer a MAC with KATALINA 10,15,7

There is nothing that my computer block

I download same driver again , its no where to be found ? i unzip it and install it ... not working still

I have always used BABTFACE with no problem , until I update to KATALINA

Now I cant use my Babyface ...

My Fireface Babyface RME Properties for ( 23598232 ) fimeware v,204 driver v.221  , is not working with Logic x , i cant find it

Not in my settings either


2 (edited by waedi 2022-02-13 01:54:51)

Re: Babyface RME ( Blue ) driver dont work when new update to Katalina

Hi Stefan
Did you try the fut ? Flash update tool ?
The actual firmware is 225 and yours is on 204 ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: Babyface RME ( Blue ) driver dont work when new update to Katalina

Try to connect the Babyface after MacOS has booted.

Matthias Carstens