Topic: DAW Mode, Fireface UCX II, set it from the device ?
The followind dafault behaviour for switching between DAW mode and Full Mode is very inconvenient:
1. TotalMIX on the Computer to which the device was connected is in DAW Mode.
2. Switch off the Computer and the device.
3. If later only the device is switched on again, the stand-alone usage is not possible.
No sound. No possibility to switch the device to "Full Mode" on the device itself.
You have to swicht on the computer, connect the device to the computer, switch TotalMIX to Full Mode.
Then if you switch off the computer, the device can be used as stand-alone, without computer.
So it would be very useful, if also the device itself (not only TotalMIX ) has a setting for switching between "Daw Mode" and "Full Mode"
I could not find such a setting on teh device ?