Topic: Fireface UCX II (Phones Out only 7/8?)

One of the most frustrating things about the UCX II for me was figuring out how to use the phones out.

I realized I have to send my DAW out to 7/8 (easy enough with an I/O VST).

However, I have yet to figure out how to use the phones out without opening the DAW settings.

I must be missing something, but I have searched and searched for a solution, and I cannot find one.

Re: Fireface UCX II (Phones Out only 7/8?)

You need to go into TotalMix and click on the 7/8 output. Then on the centre row turn up the slider which has whatever sound you are after. Make sure TotalMix is not in DAW mode.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Fireface UCX II (Phones Out only 7/8?)

So there's no way to use the phones out without setting it in the DAW?

Re: Fireface UCX II (Phones Out only 7/8?)

TotalMix is not the DAW

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Fireface UCX II (Phones Out only 7/8?)

mkok wrote:

TotalMix is not the DAW

Thanks, I understand that. I should be more clear:

Is there anyway (or is there no way) to use the phones out without a PC connected to the device?

The device is said to (be able to) be standalone, so I'm surprised that it powers on, handles input, but the phones out don't output...

Unless I'm missing something which I certainly hope is the case.

Re: Fireface UCX II (Phones Out only 7/8?)

I don’t have the ucxII but from other posts you can set up profiles which you can use when using standalone. So the answer is yes you can do it. I suggest you read the manual while someone who does know answers. I’m sure it will be in there. Saves me reading it!

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Fireface UCX II (Phones Out only 7/8?)

Junker wrote:

Is there anyway (or is there no way) to use the phones out without a PC connected to the device?

First you were referring to use without a DAW (as in audio software, or did you mean the computer as such?), now use without a PC. What exactly do you want to do, how do you intend to "use" the phones output? What's the signal source?

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Fireface UCX II (Phones Out only 7/8?)

RME Support wrote:
Junker wrote:

Is there anyway (or is there no way) to use the phones out without a PC connected to the device?

First you were referring to use without a DAW (as in audio software, or did you mean the computer as such?), now use without a PC. What exactly do you want to do, how do you intend to "use" the phones output? What's the signal source?

I mentioned without DAW/PC, because I have a solution to DAW/PC use.

I want to use the phones output to monitor the input of the Mic/Line or Line/Instr. inputs.

Re: Fireface UCX II (Phones Out only 7/8?)

In standalone mode (no USB connected), Press the 'CHAN/MIX' button twice to get to the "Mix to.." menu.
You can then choose 'Mix to Phones' and here you can mix it with any input source you want to hear.

Re: Fireface UCX II (Phones Out only 7/8?)

See chapter 23.2 of the manual. CHAN/MIX lets you mix/route channels directly with the front panel controls.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Fireface UCX II (Phones Out only 7/8?)

RME Support wrote:

See chapter 23.2 of the manual. CHAN/MIX lets you mix/route channels directly with the front panel controls.

Thanks. I checked 23.2, and I've also read 20.2 among others. To be honest neither are clear to me at all.

Your suggestion to explore more of the CHAN/MIX, however, helped. Thanks. I found the solution.

I didn't know that the logic of the UI was organized like a mixer with all faders initially set to zero!

Re: Fireface UCX II (Phones Out only 7/8?)

Great you got it!
If not all at zero, complete chaos with everything at all outputs. Just make a setup with all inputs routed to the phones, if that is what you need.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632