1 (edited by Del_Gesu 2022-03-10 14:00:28)

Topic: Babyface Pro FS output level matching

I would like to set quadrophonic playback setup by conncecting all analog BF outputs to mixer or directly to active loudspeakers. I would like to have exactly the same volume level in every loudspeaker. Please, tell me, if I am right how it’s work:

Otuput level of 1-2 outs is +19 dBu and level of 3-4 outs (6.3 mm jack) is +13 dBu, so if I will set 1-2 out fader to -6 dB and 3-4 out fader to 0 dB, I will have the same volume in all loudspeakers. Am I right, or this is more complicated?
If so, in the case of use 3.5 mm headphone out (which has +7 dBu) I need to set 1-2 out fader to -12 dB, is it right?
According to this logic, I can use software playback faders instead of output faders and the effect will be the same?

I have also 2 additional questions:

1) If I am right above, does the same logic works with ADAT connection? For example if I have Behringer ADA 8200 converter, which has +16 dBu max output level, I have to set the levels: 1-2 out: - 6dB, 3-4 out (6.3 mm jack): 0bB, ADAT outs: -3 dB. Is it right?

2) Which headphone out works better with line level ins (like mixer, amplifier or active loudspeaker), 3.5 mm or 6.3 mm? Will the difference be only in volume level or also in quality?

Re: Babyface Pro FS output level matching

I would also be interested in the answers to this question. Related to that is the question if or when it makes a difference where to set the gain (Windows system volume, TM Main Out, TM S/W out...)?

What does 0dB in TotalMix mean? AFAIU there is no downside in setting the gain up to +6dB in TM!? Bus is not +6dB then the real "0dB" setting?

Re: Babyface Pro FS output level matching

Hello, I would like to ask again on this topic, but I will put it more simply and I will limit myself to just one question.
If I set the 1-2 out fader in TM to -6 dBFS and 3-4 out fader to 0dBFS and connect all 4 line outputs to the mixing desk (3-4 out via 6.3 mm TRS), will I get the same signal strength in all channels?

I often present quadraphonic music and I would like to make sure that BF is set like any 4-channel interface with the same output architecture on every channel.


Re: Babyface Pro FS output level matching

Yes, if the switch on the bottom (if present) is set to +19.

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by ramses 2023-04-12 06:59:53)

Re: Babyface Pro FS output level matching

@Del_Gesu, in addition to what MC wrote. Here you find this information in the manual.



Extremely helpful is the chapter "technical specifications".
Here you find all supported reference levels and the resulting dBu value at 0 dBFS.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Babyface Pro FS output level matching

Thank you, MC, for clarification and thank you ramses for your advice. Reading the manual is the first thing I do and I’m aware of technical specifications, but I wanted to make sure that I understand how it works in practice.