Topic: Set recording offset UFX+

So, very well versed in how to calibrate my DAW (Logic X) with the Ping feature. I’ve been using a Multiface II for quite a long time. I monitor out AES into JBL 4306/4312 speaker setup.
I have UFX+ coming soon…
My question: How do I measure ping/loopback of analog audio in to AES digital out?

2 (edited by unodos 2022-03-13 12:41:53)

Re: Set recording offset UFX+

jblaisdell65 wrote:

So, very well versed in how to calibrate my DAW (Logic X) with the Ping feature. I’ve been using a Multiface II for quite a long time. I monitor out AES into JBL 4306/4312 speaker setup.
I have UFX+ coming soon…
My question: How do I measure ping/loopback of analog audio in to AES digital out?

I’m not sure how you’re measuring RTL in this case, but be aware that newer models of UFX+ use an ESS chip, which has a small difference in the reported latency that could affect your measurements. They will release an update for this at some point. … 34#p184234

Re: Set recording offset UFX+

My set-up:
Analog in (Multiface II)
Monitor AES out to JBL LSR4326/4312

How do I "loopback/ping" across analog to digital?


Re: Set recording offset UFX+

Obviously you can't, and it makes no sense to me either. What exactly and why do you want to measure? Without a way back from AES to the DAW it can not measure anything. And with the extra device to do so the whole measurement becomes invalid.

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by jblaisdell65 2022-03-14 15:38:11)

Re: Set recording offset UFX+

I use Logic…
I know that the RME drivers are the best at communicating their ‘actual’ latency/safety’ data to OSX. And if I loopback/ping in Logic using ONLY the analog in/outs of the RME…everything is sample accurate and places all recording completely in time. BUT…the digital connections on the RME are NOT sample accurate on a loopback/ping test. They are in fact early, and this is so stated in the RME manual for both my Multiface (my current) and my soon to be UFX+.
I know that if I used the analog in on my JBL’s everything should be sample accurate…but I’ve always preferred to use the via. AES, simply because this bypasses the internal A/D inside the speakers.

Re: Set recording offset UFX+

This is from the UFX+ manual:

AD/DA Offset under ASIO and OS X: ASIO (Windows) and Core Audio (Mac OS X) allow for the signalling of an offset value to correct buffer independent delays, like AD- and DA-conversion or the Safety Buffer described below. An analog loopback test will then show no offset, because the application shifts the recorded data accordingly. Because in real world operation analog rec- ord and playback is unavoidable, the drivers include an offset value matching the Fireface's con- verter delays.
Therefore, in a digital loopback test a negative offset of about 3 ms occurs. This is no real prob- lem, because this way of working is more than seldom, and usually the offset can be compen- sated manually within the application.


Re: Set recording offset UFX+

You did not answer my question. Measuring the latency of your speakers does not make much sense. This is independent from the Ping test, changes with the distance between you and the speakers, plus is different on their digital and analog input. It's basically out of your control, and irrelevant as you do not record the speakers output on another track.

The whole speaker path adds latency if you interact with what you hear over them. In that case using digital out to in might be  better, because quicker.

Matthias Carstens

8 (edited by jblaisdell65 2022-03-15 23:25:14)

Re: Set recording offset UFX+

Hey MC…thanks for your help and clarity. I think I’m getting confused.
My current setup (with Multiface II and a Lucid 8192) connected via adat.
If I loopback audio with the MF, I get 0 offset…as it should be.
But if I loopback audio with the Lucid, I get a -88 samples.
I assume this because the adat connections are not compensated.
If I use Logic’s record offset slider and enter +88…then everything recorded with Lucid is in time.
All of this I monitor via the AES/spidf from the MF.

My hope is that a new UFX+ will simplify my setup…if I only use the UFX and not use the Lucid. But if I did need the extra 8 more in’s with the Lucid ( or any other external converter)…will I still have to shift the offset slider? Are the adat connections on the UFX compensated? Or is it more dependent on the external converter? And I will still need to measure and offset manually?


Re: Set recording offset UFX+

The UFX+ has quicker converters, therefore the difference analog/digital becomes smaller. But the Lucid's own latency stays. Digital I/Os are not 'compensated' nor have their own latency times within the ASIO driver, as ASIO allows only for one value. And that is always the analog I/O one.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Set recording offset UFX+

No ASIO for me...I'm on a Mac Pro, Core Audio.


Re: Set recording offset UFX+

Same situation there. One value for everything.

Matthias Carstens