1 (edited by artisan 2022-03-14 11:14:20)

Topic: Best way to connect Prophet 10 Rev 4 to UCX II

Howdy folks

Hope you are all doing well.

I would just like to clarify whether I'm doing the right thing. I just bought my hardware instrument - a Sequential Prophet 10 Rev 4 Desktop module. It has a Mono, Unbalanced, Output. I bought a decent quality TS (Instrument) cable, and connected it to the UCX II Input 3 Line Instrument In.

On TotalMix I split the channels into Mono, centre it, and click on the Instrument button, which seems to increase the volume, and then do whatever to the signal ITB.

Everything sounds great at low level, but when I increase my signal's volume, I notice a consistent noise in my metering tools in the DAW.

What I've read is: this could be the noise floor of the synth. If this is the case, then I'm happy. What are the workarounds? Are there any required? Is this a non issue? Here's a screenshot. https://ibb.co/Y0G3CP9. This is Pro Q3 before boosting into the limiter. I set the gain so that I am averaging 0dBFs on the VUMeter when playing sounds from the synth. At that level, I'm dealing with the noise that you see in the screenshot. It isn't audible, I can hear... uhm... "something" but it is faint.

Any advice or opinions appreciated. Wondering if I need more equipment, if this is fine, if I should use a better cable, or different config? Anything...

Thanks for your time.

2 (edited by MetalHeadKeys 2022-03-16 06:26:04)

Re: Best way to connect Prophet 10 Rev 4 to UCX II


I 've read at another forum that the Prophet 's noise floor is around -70dB(don't know how it was measured, though), so I guess that you 're allright.
Have you applied any gain on the UCX?

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

Re: Best way to connect Prophet 10 Rev 4 to UCX II

artisan wrote:

On TotalMix I split the channels into Mono, centre it, and click on the Instrument button, which seems to increase the volume, and then do whatever to the signal ITB.

I guess this synth has a standard line-out, therefor better don't activate the Instrument button in Totalmix.
Give it a try.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue