Topic: UFX+ Thunderbolt stopped working

UFX+ user for several years. System has remained the same, but applied typical drive/software updates.  Using UFX+ with TB and adapter with i9 machine based on Gigabyte Z390.  System was stable and working perfectly until just recently. We began experiencing TB related crashes and etc. After the last problem TB connection was not working at all.

Assuming mobo port could be bad, I purchased a new ASUS TUF laptop with TB4 port. The first test with UFX+ and TB on new laptop cause instant crashes. If plugging TB in after boot, instant blue screen with this error...

What failed: TbtBusDrv.sys

If booting or rebooting with TB already inserted, system will not boot but goes straight to blue screen listing on the above stop code. Other TB devices work on both older desktop and new laptop. 

Could this mean the UFX+ has a problem in it's TB port? Would love to resolve this as using USB causes random occasional dropouts or errors in audio recording (have configured, tested, latency monitored, and etc...   but can't figure that out). Generally not a problem for mixing...  TB proved to be the best recording solution for our setup. Hope to fix this problem and return to solid performance! Ty!


Re: UFX+ Thunderbolt stopped working

According to this description the TB port might indeed have a problem, although I never heard about something like this so far.

Matthias Carstens