1 (edited by cutheart 2022-03-26 07:47:17)

Topic: RME Babyface headphone less sound on right

Hey there i have RME Babyface old version not PRO or PRO FS.

There is problem with headphone out

The problem is signal seems correctly stereo on TotalMix but when i plugged my headphone in i hear louder volume on left (which is correct) but less volume on right of my headphone ?

I plugged my headphone to headphone out on side of babyface and also tried breakout phone out it sounds exactly same level.

When i balance it manually to hear stereo on 1/2 channel panning around %49 - %50 to right i can hear the music on center but on software signal louder on right. But when i take panning back to center (which is standart) i hear less volume on right speaker of my headphone.

I thought it might needs repair for headphone out but its exactly same with breakout cable phones out ? So it confused me how can i fix this problem. Thank you by now

Note: I tried 2 different headphones which sounds totally stereo with other devices. I've been using RME Fireface 400 for years so i think i know TotalMix for my needs. But this so weird problem ?


Re: RME Babyface headphone less sound on right

If both the onboard socket and the breakout cable show the same symptom, you could try a Total Reset in TM FX as last resort. Else it seems the unit itself is defective.

Matthias Carstens