1 (edited by Thisiscobras 2022-04-02 20:12:53)

Topic: [Solved] Fireface 800 Rear Analog Input Recap

I'm getting a low signal on rear input 2 so am thinking about recapping the respective 2 taller caps in front of those inputs. I belive they are 220uf 35v. Any recommendations for replacements? I've read good things about the Panasonic FC series.


Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 Rear Analog Input Recap

Whatever you choose will work. These caps are not critical. But 220 µF are the outputs, not inputs (22 µF).

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 Rear Analog Input Recap

MC wrote:

Whatever you choose will work. These caps are not critical. But 220 µF are the outputs, not inputs (22 µF).

I'm assuming you're taking about those taller caps (seemingly 1 per input channel) not being critical so that's definitely good to hear as that saves me trying to get that board out. I did order a bunch of those aluminum caps (2 per channel) that are directly behind the jacks themselves 22uf 25v smd so I'll just stick to replacing those. Thank you very much for your help.

4 (edited by Thermaltake 2022-03-24 06:47:20)

Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 Rear Analog Input Recap

Thisiscobras wrote:
MC wrote:

Whatever you choose will work. These caps are not critical. But 220 µF are the outputs, not inputs (22 µF).

I'm assuming you're taking about those taller caps (seemingly 1 per input channel) not being critical so that's definitely good to hear as that saves me trying to get that board out. I did order a bunch of those aluminum caps (2 per channel) that are directly behind the jacks themselves 22uf 25v smd so I'll just stick to replacing those. Thank you very much for your help.

I would personally recommand using some high quality caps like nichicon, nippon, rubycon. Cause I always want best for my electronics plus sound is not same with some cheap caps and high quality ones.

5 (edited by Thisiscobras 2022-03-26 21:29:51)

Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 Rear Analog Input Recap

I'm having a tough time trying to track down the correct size for those aluminum smd caps directly behind the input jacks (2 per jack). I haven't pulled any yet does anyone have the exact measurements? I'm thinking of these:



Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 Rear Analog Input Recap

Before you waste a lot of time and money - desolder the ones that you think are defective, then solder whatever wired replacement from your spares sortiment onto the pads, and check that this is really the culprit.

Matthias Carstens

7 (edited by Thisiscobras 2022-03-27 23:55:51)

Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 Rear Analog Input Recap

MC wrote:

Before you waste a lot of time and money - desolder the ones that you think are defective, then solder whatever wired replacement from your spares sortiment onto the pads, and check that this is really the culprit.

I've already got matched value and sized Nichicons (which I belive are the original brand in there now) in the mail on their way to me as well as replacement jacks from RME in Germany directly. If 2 new aluminum caps don't work behind the jack any idea where I'd look next? This is what I get for trusting Reverb to sell an item as 100% functional I guess. Again, the summary after hours of testing is that analog input 2 on the back is significantly lower than all others. Thanks so much for your continued help with this.

Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 Rear Analog Input Recap

[Solution] That was it. I popped 2 new aluminum caps in and it's good as new. The 2 directly behind the affected input jack itself. Looks like they may have leaked a little bit underneath. I couldn't see it until I got the old caps out. I chose to twist the old ones out. Just go slow and apply downward pressure and they come right off leaving the pads in perfect shape. Grab the old legs off the pads and you're good to go. Thankfully I didn't even have to get that board out of the unit. For replacements, I went with these. Hope this helps somebody some day. 
