1 (edited by robinettl 2022-03-28 02:08:08)

Topic: Level Discrepancy Between FF 802 and ADI-8 DS


I'm getting an approximately 8db level difference between my Fireface 802 and the ADI-8 DS connected via ADAT. I'll describe my setup and config and then a bit more about the issue.

Using ADI-8 for A/D only. A/D section connected via Toslink cable to ADAT input 1 of FF 802
ADI-8 is master, FF set to slave via ADAT1
Clocked at 48,000 khz with clear audio so no evidence of sync issues
Level of ADI-8 A/D section set to +4dBu
All line inputs of FF 802 set to +4dBu
All levels in TotalMix set to 0.0 db

Given those settings, I would expect the exact same volume from the line inputs of the FF and those of the ADI, but the ADI-8 inputs are about 8db louder than the FF line inputs. I connect my Juno 106 synth directly to a pair of inputs on the FF and peak around -20 db. Using my patchbay, I route the Juno over to the ADI-8 and peak at around -12 db, and I cannot figure out what is causing the increase. I've tried all conbinations of both balanced and unbalanced cables, all with the same 8db difference.

Any ideas?


Re: Level Discrepancy Between FF 802 and ADI-8 DS

ADI-8 FS doesn't exist. You seem to have either an ADI-8 QS or DS MK III. On these the ref levels have different meanings compared to other units, which is explained in the manual, but also directly on the front panel (@ 0 dBFS). Choose +13 dBu and they will match with the +4 dBu of the FF802.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Level Discrepancy Between FF 802 and ADI-8 DS

Hi Matthias,

Sorry, the "FS" in the subject was a typo which I've corrected. I own an ADI-8 DS. This is the unit I have: https://reverb.com/item/38015542-rme-ad … converter.

I should also mention I'm legally blind and using a screen reader. I cannot see the labeling on the ADI. Just using my ears, I push the level button for the A/D section and here three loudness levels. I currently have it on the loudest of these, figuring this is +4dBu. Which of the three loudness levels are you suggesting?

Thanks for your help


Re: Level Discrepancy Between FF 802 and ADI-8 DS

The old DS has the same ref level definitions as the FF802, so they should match perfectly. Did you try other input channels of the ADI-8 DS as well? When playing a 440 Hz sine style tone on the synth at a lower level (-20 dBFS reading in TM FX), does the ADI-8 react correctly to the change of the ref levels? That should be a change of +6 dB and another +9 dB (total +15 dB) when starting from the highest (most insensitive) setting.

Matthias Carstens