Topic: [Solved] Fireface 800 - samplerate/pitch changes value randomly

I have a problem with my Fireface 800 which I happily use in my studio for ten years.
Recently I get some problems with it.
The problem is that the samplerate/pitch changes every time I turn on the interface.
Sometimes I do not notice the moment when the setting changes. Usually the pitch goes down less then 1%.
Recently I had recording session. All the recordings are out of tune because I did not notice that the pitch value has changed that day.
I always use internal clock source. I connect Audiend 8x mic pre to FF800 and use word clock out from FF800 to sync the setup.
I tried disconnect all adat and word clock connections but it does not seem to fix the problem.

How can I fix it?


Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 - samplerate/pitch changes value randomly

Did you check the Settings dialog - Pitch if that one is still set to 0%?

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by milosh 2022-03-31 06:27:17)

Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 - samplerate/pitch changes value randomly

MC wrote:

Did you check the Settigs dialog - Pitch if that one is still set to 0%?

Oh yes.. Now I check the pitch setting 5 times a day to be sure that I will not mess up my recordings.
The pitch setting drops less than 1% (like -0,821%) every time I switch off and then switch on my FF800.


Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 - samplerate/pitch changes value randomly

That could mean it is stored like that in the registry and will be set again when the device is connected/detected. Which would point to a write error, as that unit should be updated on power-down and removal. That might get more complicated and might require to use a reg editor.

Or you stored that value inside the unit unintentionally. Set everything like you need it, then click on the 'Store in Flash' button.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 - samplerate/pitch changes value randomly

MC wrote:

That could mean it is stored like that in the registry and will be set again when the device is connected/detected. Which would point to a write error, as that unit should be updated on power-down and removal. That might get more complicated and might require to use a reg editor.

Or you stored that value inside the unit unintentionally. Set everything like you need it, then click on the 'Store in Flash' button.

It seems to be the first scenario.
I stored 0,000% Pitch value in the Flash to fix it quickly every time it drops.

How to check the registry?


Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 - samplerate/pitch changes value randomly

Try something different first. On the About page is an option to Lock the registry. Do a Lock with a simple password and then unlock. That might have reset the ability to store the current value to the registry.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] Fireface 800 - samplerate/pitch changes value randomly

MC wrote:

Try something different first. On the About page is an option to Lock the registry. Do a Lock with a simple password and then unlock. That might have reset the ability to store the current value to the registry.

It worked!
Thank you MC