Topic: Issue with Babyface Pro and Total MIx

After I did a search I didn't find an answer to my exact issue. 

I'm running a 2017 iMac i5 with 32 RAM into Logic X.  I'm very versed in Windows based computers, but the Mac OS is still a mystery to me.

Suddenly the Total Mix window would no longer be visible.  I have tried updating the drivers, but still no luck.  Is there an easy fix for this as I've seen people have the same issue running Pro Tools and they needed to remove some Avid files, but again, I'm a Logic X user.

Because I'm not good at the Mac OS system, PLEASE hand hold me through the exact operation I need to do so I can get recording again.



Re: Issue with Babyface Pro and Total MIx

Babyface Pro is in Class Compliant mode? Check and reset to PC mode if so.

Otherwise your best bet is this one:

Matthias Carstens

Re: Issue with Babyface Pro and Total MIx

Hi MC and thanks for the information.  How do I check if the BabyFace is in class compliant mode?  Is that something I need to do within TotalMix?  i can't get Total Mix to open.  I'm sorry if these are rather dumb questions, but i'm just not that well versed in moving around in the Mac OS.


Re: Issue with Babyface Pro and Total MIx

hello smile

there's an entire section in the manual that talks about Class Compliant mode and how to enter/exit. basically, if you're in CC mode, during bootup the meters will actually display "CC" on the LED segments. there's a procedure for exiting CC mode which involves pressing and holding the Select and Dim buttons when plugging in the USB cable and booting. I suggest you read that section in the manual for a better understanding.

Good luck with your problem.


Re: Issue with Babyface Pro and Total MIx

I made a short video here, showing the mode switch:

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.