Topic: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole


I want to do screen recording with OBS along with audio. So I installed sound flower (I'm on Big Sur). It erased my rme device from "audio midi setup" list, and I had no audio coming out of my digiface. Totalmix wouldn't start. So basically no connection to my digiface.

I then uninstalled sodden flower and the device came back. Everything was working.

I then wanted to try with another audio routing software (Black Hole). The exact same thing happened. No audio from digiface.

After uninstalling of black hole, still no sound.

I re-installed the total mix software and I got sound. Then rebooted machine. Then no sound again. digiface is gone from my "audio midi setup" list again and I can't get it back.

What can I do?
First of all: I would like to have my digiface to connect again.
Secondly: How can I record the audio from my system with OBS without installing software that deletes my digiface?



Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by the19thbear 2022-04-17 13:54:36)

Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

Ok, thanks. The fix didn't work for me though. Guess I have to install total mix every single time I reboot? Bummer. Any ETA on a fix from apple on this? And is it still a problem on macOS Monterey?

Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

Anyone? smile

Is MacOS Monterey the way to go? Will it fix this?

Thanks smile

Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

After installing Sound flower and before installing BlackHole, did you remove the Sound flower kernel extension?

I use both, but not on the same Mac. Sound flower still is old tech, as the kernel extension is signed, but the installer isn't. The result is that different people seem to make that installer fail in different ways.

I've had to deinstall Sound flower every time I installed BlackHole. If I didn't do that, strange things happened. Like inputs showing up in one app and not in another.

I've never been able to install whatever to make audio work with Zoom, Skype, OBS and some other apps on one machine. One driver/extension/whatever always seems to conflict with one of the others. So now, I have separate Macs for Zoom, Skype and OBS.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

Ok. So basically you are saying that if I install monterey, it will not be broken, even though I isntall black hole? I'm on Big sur and it's in a broken stat. I don't mind black hole (or soundflower) not working, but I mind that I have to re-install totalmix on every single reboot.

So my question is: If i use monterey and install black hole/soundflower, will it break something, so I have to reinstall totalmix on every reboot?
because this is the case right now, on Big Sur.

Or is there a way to fix my Big Sur installation? Maybe copy a "healthy" file from another macos computer and paste it into my system that is broken?


Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

There is no known issue of this kind. Sometimes other installations can lead to the effect described in the forum post linked above, but going through the procedure again should fix it. What exactly did you do?

Daniel Fuchs

8 (edited by the19thbear 2022-04-24 19:01:53)

Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

Well in the beginning I wanted to do screen recording via OBS along with audio. So I installed sound flower. That broke rme audio output so I uninstalled it.
Rme worked again.
Then I installed black hole (similar to sound flower). That broke rme again. Then I uninstalled it but rme is still broken. I have to reinstall totalmix every time I reboot.

Is there any way to fix totalmix so I don’t have to re install on every computer startup?

I have given up on recording screen audio. I just want my setup to work again.



Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

When the fix didn't work for you (post 2) then try it again and follow it exactly as described.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

Already did it. Did not work (the terminal thing was successful, but did not result in a working system).

But will try again and report back.


Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

Why do you (with working driver and TotalMix) not record via the TotalMix loopback?

ADI2, Digiface, ARC

Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

Never Got loop back working with obs, Skype or discord.

But never mind that right now. Now I want to focus on having a working system:)

Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

manual chapter 13.2 De-installing the Drivers

ADI2, Digiface, ARC

Re: Digiface usb macOS now working after installing Black Hole

Working after I uninstalled the rme software first and the. Performed the kernel fix.


Now I need to see if I can get osb to hear my rme somehow.
