1 (edited by muratkayi 2022-04-29 20:29:49)

Topic: questions about UCX II menu in standalone

Hello everyone,

I got a RME Fireface UCX II of which the manual says it offers the chance to fully set it up on the device in standalone mode.

I ran into a few question marks while trying this out and would like to know if anyone can shed a bit of light on this.

So, all of the questions below refer to me trying to check things and set things up on the device itself(!), *not* in the TotalMix software on the PC which I have running parallel to see what happens.

- I am looking for Loopback on the UCX II menu and can't find it. Can this only be set up via the TotalMix software on the PC? In standalone (after saving the configuration to a free slot on the device), I wouldn't even be able to check if Loopback is set up correctly if that is the case, right?

- if I re-assign let's say analog3/4 to main out, the big encoder will correctly move the fader of 3/4 (as I can see on the software) and leave analog 1/2 alone. But if I re-assign let's say analog 3/4 to Phones 1 out, the big encoder (when set to phones level) will still move the fader of analog 7/8, in other words it behaves as if it was hardwired to 7/8. This seems odd to me. Is that correct?

- This one has been answered, see below...When I am in Control Room (after pressing "Setup/Rev") in the line "Main Out" it shows Analog 1/2 and the encoder lets me select this line for editing, but when I am in the edit mode for this line, nothing is changeable. Meanwhile, in the TotalMix software on the PC, I can re-assign let's say analog 3/4 to main and on the device that line will now correctly show that this is the case, but even though the encoder can select this line, nothing is editable. That seems wrong, why is that?

- In the same section the line "Phones Src" is set to "mix" and behaves the same way: I can select it, but it won't change. Also, I am not clear on what this is? Consequently I am not sure where this setting is in the software. The manual wasn't a big help here, either...

thanks for reading!

Re: questions about UCX II menu in standalone

Havnt really dug into standalone, but if u are connected to PC alot of settings are greyed out. So standalone must be standalone for u to edit.

ADI-2 DAC, ADI-2 PRO, DigifaceUSB, UCXII, ARC, HEGEL.h80, KEF.ls50, HD650, ie400pro _,.\''/.,_

Re: questions about UCX II menu in standalone

Thanks for the reply!

Oh that would actually make sense...I will check that and report back.

4 (edited by muratkayi 2022-04-29 20:40:04)

Re: questions about UCX II menu in standalone

Ok, so the non-editable lines in the control room really only are accessible when the unit is not connected to the PC.

I still don't get how loopback translates to standalone mode or how it is represented in the menu and would very much like a bit of help on that.

Also on the hardwired impression of the big encoder when it comes to the phones channel.

And I still don't really get the "Phones src." in the control room...I can change that when in standalone, but I can't find any info on what "mix" signifies nor why there is such a menu item at all, considering there is also a "Mix to phone" menu in "Channel/Mix".

Also, I must say I have not really understood how TotalMix settings in the software and the unit operating in standalone works. I mean, in the software, I can create wild submixes for each of the outputs and do loopbacks of processed submixes and all and then save this into a slot on the unit. But the menu does not seem to be able to represent all of these settings let alone make them editable. If that is the case, it's not that big a deal, I am just confused about that right now... for example the mix menu on the unit can't accurately make the software submixes accessible, right? And so on...

Re: questions about UCX II menu in standalone

Why do you need loopback in standalone?

ADI-2 DAC, ADI-2 PRO, DigifaceUSB, UCXII, ARC, HEGEL.h80, KEF.ls50, HD650, ie400pro _,.\''/.,_

Re: questions about UCX II menu in standalone

I am not sure I need it. I am trying to understand what is possible. And there is actually no chapter in the manual on the differences between what is possible on the PC and in standalone (actually it says it can be setup completely on the device). And atm I can't see how...

7 (edited by ramses 2022-04-30 00:37:48)

Re: questions about UCX II menu in standalone

Loopback is there to record a submix (aka HW Output) on the corresponding HW input without having to plug a cable, e.g. from HW output AN1/2 to HW input AN1/2.
If you have no PC connected in stand-alone mode, for what would this be worth?
There is no PC with a recording application that could access/record this looped back signal from that input... This makes no sense at all.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

8 (edited by muratkayi 2022-04-30 09:17:58)

Re: questions about UCX II menu in standalone

In standalone mode I was thinking of running more than one recording of the same sources (e.g. one with 6db less, one with FX one without) and I was under the impression you could only arm inputs for recording. But that is not the case as I see now. So I could do that without having to loopback to an input for recording...

Still, apart from Loopback not being present, the other main difference seems to be that you can not set the channel routing up on the device itself like in totalmix, seeing as you can only set one source per each output. So, what confuses me is this: I can store a totalmix setup in a slot on the device. When I load that setup from the device, will the submix settings with several sources per output be applied or not?

9 (edited by ramses 2022-04-30 10:46:07)

Re: questions about UCX II menu in standalone

You have the device there, try it out.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: questions about UCX II menu in standalone

Yeah, but that really requires testing. Like, e.g. configuring two mics to go into line outs 5/6, saving it to the device, firing it up in standalone and then check if I can hear both signals.

The thing that baffles me is that I can't just "check" it on the menu.

But I will test it.

Re: questions about UCX II menu in standalone

Sry, am not at home and have an UFX+.
A few weeks ago I briefly went through the menus only out of interest.
One thing for sure, you have no sw playbacks as we talk about standalone mode.
I would carefully inspect the menue, I could think of that with one encoder you select an output channel and with another you can choose from what input you want to have a signal. If there is no toggle for enable/dissable then it would be logic to have something comparable like a fader, how much of an input signal you send to a selected output like in submix mode.
BTW IMHO  loopback would not help to get one source at different levels.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

12 (edited by muratkayi 2022-04-30 12:24:57)

Re: questions about UCX II menu in standalone

Hey guys,
first let me say I really appreciate you taking the time to help a noob out. I have so many high hopes with this thing as it already blew my mind and I have quite a few areas to use the UCX II with big differences in setup and scope, so it's a bit much to take in, right now.

@ramses: OK, now I feel just stupid. The hint with the fader was golden! In the mix menu on the device for each channel, you can choose which input channel sends how much signal to that specific output channel! I thought you have to decide on *one* input channel only, but of course whatever level you set this to is saved when you go and choose another input for level editing.

Jesus, I need to take a cold shower. But I am slowly getting where I know my way around stuff...ehem