Topic: Digiface USB optical multiple devices

This case has been puzzling me for a while though, as I'd intend to bring more signals into the Digiface USB but for devices that cannot follow other clocks, like tv or cdplayer, but my digiface USB is clocked already to an external master clock, so that is not tv or cdplayer. Now with the latter devices being unable to sync to the master clock, how would I go around this, without having to change my clock source in the Fireface USB settings? Will it work without?

ADI2, Digiface, ARC

Re: Digiface USB optical multiple devices

No, devices without a clock input, like tv's need to be clock master. Only way around that needs another device, a asynchronous sample rate converter that can lock on to your master clock. Behringer has a cheap one and I think rme a pro one. But it is not my expertise. But in this case I would just set my mind to having to change clocks now and then. Like switching sources on an old amp.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632