Topic: Win10: CD-Rom not recognized anymore? Here a registry fix.
Since around April 22 my CD-ROM drive can't be accessed anymore.
Windows device manager shows yellow triangles.
The problem could be solved by removing a registry entry as proposed in this microsoft document: under step 5: Fix corruped Windows Registry Entries: … 9cc38ca53e
For me it was this registry key, that had to be removed: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e965-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} -> UpperFilters
Sometimes you also find "LowerFilters" which also needs to be removed.
This saved me approx 1 week, because the alternative would have been, to install and setup everything new.
Going back to the backup from March was also no real solution, as you need the upgrades / security fixes ...
So I am a happy man now shortly b4 the weekend :-)