Topic: TMFX feature requests / opinions
I'm sure RME get hundreds of these, but there are a couple things I'd love to see in TMFX which would be so useful!
* The ability to "declare" more than 4 stereo outputs as "headphones" in the control room section. I occasionally use my UFX+ to run 10 or 12 sets of headphones mixes. Currently I can only use the ARC USB encoder to adjust the volume for these 4 outputs. This also applies to monitoring CUEs. Why not allow any and every output to be configured as a headphone out? I'm sure the CUE monitoring can be done with Groups, but I'd love to see it implemented more simply (ie, in "ARC & Key Command Settings").
* Talkback - let me assign more than one input as the talkback mic. Currently I have to use a crappy little Behringer mini mixer to sum two or three mics together!
* Listenback - the current implementation isn't really useful. It should be a latching, multi-mic system separate to talkback completely. Again, like the headphone cues I can use Groups to make this work, but it's not elegant, and the light on the remote works "backwards!" (ARC USB light is on when LB is deactivated, because I'm automating a mute on and off). This fantastic little project ( would also be fantastic with it. Auto Talkback is a disaster waiting to happen for me (I know for many it's superb, but I'm extremely grumpy!) but auto Listenback... Yes please.
And following on from that - why not a bigger remote!! At £100 or so, everyone with an RME product should have the ARC USB remote - it's fantastic - but I'd pay five times that for a 50 button version with a few extra features (maybe including level readouts, a couple more encoders for headphones).. It'd be amazing for 5.1, 7.1, Atmos monitoring too.
A guy can dream!
Anyway, I know it's just an opinion, but I figure if I don't write it down somewhere.. TMFX is so flexible, I guess I'm just surprised when I hit the limits!