Topic: UFX+ USB 3.1 help

Hi all,

Disclaimer - this post is about a Hackintosh system, so if you don't want to engage with a post un an unsupported system, then feel free to not get involved :-) For anyone with any ideas, I'd love to hear them.

I'm experiencing some weirdness with a UFX+ on Mac OS 10.15.7. I have a Hackintosh system that works really nicely with a Fireface UFXII over USB 2. I've been setting up a system with this computer using a UFX+ so we can use MADI. The motherboard in my system is a Gigabyte Z370 Aorus Gaming 5, and it has lots of USB 3.0 ports, plus a USB 3.1 port. I get different behaviour from each - neither of which are perfect, but in different ways. The interface functions, but each port breaks something different.

USB 3.1 - The meters in Totalmix do not work (although the faders and buttons in TM do still function).
             - Fireface USB Preferences opens and works fine.
             - UFX+ MIDI ports work fine. Fireface UFX+ is seen as a MIDI device in Audio MIDI setup.
             - The computer crashes and restarts when the interface is turned off whilst Totalmix is open.

USB 3.0 - Totalmix works fine including meters.
             - Fireface USB preferences will not open. It bounces once on the dock and then nothing.
             - UFX+ MIDI ports do not work. Fireface UFX+ is not seen as a MIDI device in Audio MIDI setup.
             - No crashes when you turn off the interface whilst TM is open. Normal behaviour.

USB 2.0 - If I plug into either port with a USB 2 cable, then everything works, except obviously now we can't use all the MADI channel count.

I'm running Drivers v3.221 and USB fw v54 (have tried previous drivers and firmware and no improvement).

Any ideas welcome. As stated, I know I'm running an unsupported system, however my UFXII and my Babyface Pro both work so well on this system that it would be really great to also get this one working to 100% of it's capability.

Thanks so much in advance,


Re: UFX+ USB 3.1 help

Have also just scanned through the UFX+ manual which states that USB 3 implementation by ASMedia is not compatible, and my motherboard has this USB3 chipset. So I may have just answered my own question. However, maybe this has changed since the manual was written? Any thoughts or confirmations on this?



Re: UFX+ USB 3.1 help

If Apple supports it as well then get an USB3 card from Sonnet with FL1100 chipset.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13