1 (edited by stub 2022-08-15 17:22:09)

Topic: Fireface 800 loses MIDI connection with OS 12.4 M1 MBP)[WORKAROUND]

My Fireface 800 is connected to my new M1 MBP via firewire and thunderbolt adapters. Firmware and Drivers are most recent.

What happens somewhat randomly, is that the FF800 vanishes from the AudioMIDI Setup MIDI window, and is not available as a MIDI source or destination. However, audio remains recognized and fully functional.

If I power the unit off and then back on again, the FF800-as-MIDI-device reappears.

Jeff suggested it might be related to sleep (i.e., the device stops being recognized either during sleep or after waking). I know I've slept and woken the machine without it losing MIDI, but perhaps a deep sleep is part of the issue.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can approach this, either through RME or through Apple, to get this issue solved? I don't like having to turn the unit on and off so much-- especially in the middle of working.

Thank you!!!

Performer, Teacher, Composer

Re: Fireface 800 loses MIDI connection with OS 12.4 M1 MBP)[WORKAROUND]

This morning, when the MBP woke from sleep, the FF800 still appeared in the MIDI window of AMS. However, at some point in the last couple hours it vanished. (I didn't notice it happening, could have been from one of the sleeps this morning).

I will reach out to Apple, but the last time, they could only suggest that I reach out to RME.

Performer, Teacher, Composer

Re: Fireface 800 loses MIDI connection with OS 12.4 M1 MBP)[WORKAROUND]

My chat with Apple Support today (the second attempt) centered around how I have the device connected to the MBP. He said I had the "best case scenario" in terms of adapters and cables, so he suspected the issue was about compatibility of these devices with this new generation of MBP.

His suggestion was to try using a Thunderbolt 2 dock with a FW port-- that somehow gets the data from point A to point B while maintaining compatibility with post Big Sur OS and M1. I was in over my head with him. Much as I'd like to not buy a $225 dock to get this to work, it would be worth it, as opposed to constantly cycling my FF800 off/on to fix it.

I would very much appreciate any thoughts or advice!

Performer, Teacher, Composer

Re: Fireface 800 loses MIDI connection with OS 12.4 M1 MBP)[WORKAROUND]

Hi, please try with Sleep disabled, and just shut down the Mac if you are not using it. It should boot really fast anyway, so Sleep is not saving you much time. Does the lost MIDI port issue still occur like this?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

5 (edited by stub 2022-08-15 17:21:21)

Re: Fireface 800 loses MIDI connection with OS 12.4 M1 MBP)[WORKAROUND]

I disabled sleep and have been shutting down MBP (instead of letting it sleep), and that does appear to prevent the MIDI device from dropping.

As you suggest, the boot time is quite short, so this is not a bad workaround.  THANKS, JEFF!!!!

So as far as the MBP is concerned, the FF800 works as it should, and doesn't always drop the MIDI device when waking from sleep, but does so intermittently. Funny that these mac sleep issues persist in 2022. If memory serves, this has been an issue for decades.

Performer, Teacher, Composer

Re: Fireface 800 loses MIDI connection with OS 12.4 M1 MBP)[WORKAROUND]

If memory serves, this has been an issue for decades.

Yes, basically forever.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Fireface 800 loses MIDI connection with OS 12.4 M1 MBP)[WORKAROUND]

Just to follow up. Having disabled sleep (except for display) and instead shutting dow more often, for past 12 days, the issue has not recurred.

It's clear Apple will be useless/powerless to fix this issue.

Thanks again, Jeff.

Performer, Teacher, Composer