Topic: Want to change input level PH3/4 on the Babyface pro Fs unit


I am new to audio interfaces and bought the RME Babyface Pro, I read through the manual, I now manage that my monitors have a different EQ than my Hood phone. Is it also possible to make the music played louder and softer via the unit, so not the software, compared to my guitar that I have in input 1 and 2. I can do it the other way around, but I don't think that's necessary, I prefer to leave the guitar sound at 1 level and adjust the songs that differ in volume that the computer plays.

I connected the headphones to ph3/4 and the main out to an1/2

If I press the mix button and then go to ch3/4 via select, nothing changes unfortunately. I am able to change the output lvl or the phones lvl on the unit bit that is not what i am looking for.

Thanks in advance. Hans

Re: Want to change input level PH3/4 on the Babyface pro Fs unit

If you are using the Babyface on a Mac or PC, you can use the TotalMix FX app to adjust the independent levels of the Mic input and software playback for your Headphone mix. The computer playback signal is on the middle row fader in TMFX.

Unfortunately there is no way to control the playback level from the Babyface hardware controls.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Want to change input level PH3/4 on the Babyface pro Fs unit

Hello Jeff, this clears it all up. Thank you very much for helping out. Kind regards Hans

Jeff wrote:

If you are using the Babyface on a Mac or PC, you can use the TotalMix FX app to adjust the independent levels of the Mic input and software playback for your Headphone mix. The computer playback signal is on the middle row fader in TMFX.

Unfortunately there is no way to control the playback level from the Babyface hardware controls.