1 (edited by giroliro 2022-08-29 16:30:19)

Topic: RME Babyface Pro Fs no audio from headphones. Totalmix shows signal

Hi all, my problem is solved, I just wanted to make a thread to help someone else who did the same thing I did.

I just got my RME Babyface Pro Fs and I had an issue where the audio wouldn't play anything even though everything was routed perfectly in totalmix and it was in submix mode, the displays showed that the "Phones 1" outputs were getting signal, I selected AN 3/4 as my computer audio channel, and I tried various headphones. I also reinstalled drivers and firmware multiple times, my RME Babyface was not in CC mode, the usbs were working, everything "looked" like it worked, but there was no audio.

I believe the cause was that I plugged in the interface before installing the official RME drivers, and windows installed its own drivers that may have interfered with RME's.

The solution was that I had to uninstall the RME drivers (not just reinstall using the installer) and THEN install the RME drivers before plugging the interface in. Then I did the firmware update thing and I was able to hear audio.

I hope no one has to go through that but if you do, I hope this post helps.