Topic: Please enable full screen mode

Hi, I need X Large / Full Screen / Scalable DIGICheck so I don't have to drop monitor resolution.


Re: Please enable full screen mode

Just curious, what monitor do you currently have ? Model, Screen size, Display Resolution ?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

3 (edited by torbenscharling 2019-11-17 22:16:52)

Re: Please enable full screen mode

I have 5 1080p monitors 22", 23", 24" JVC, Asus vp228, 2x samsung sa300, and a dell E2310H (for sale cause it's got coil whine - word of warning, don't get screens with built in PSU, they often buzz due to low quality components to cut manufacturing cost)

Re: Please enable full screen mode

Then I do not understand your request. I see no issues on a 23" full hd screen, but tastes are different.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

5 (edited by torbenscharling 2019-11-17 23:13:46)

Re: Please enable full screen mode

ramses wrote:

Then I do not understand your request.

Because I wanna dedicate a screen for analyzing. Besides, should be a simple fix. Ditto with TotalMix FX, no full screen mode. Next I will upgrade to 4k screens, does that mean I don't want or need a full screen option? No.

6 (edited by 2022-01-27 20:28:37)

Re: Please enable full screen mode

long time Babyface v1 user here.
I second this,
Digicheck and Total mix should have scalable full screen mode.

The dream is using Digicheck in an Android tablet with Full Screen mode, as just a pure analysis view - preferably even with hidden toolbars, so full screen meters! smile


Re: Please enable full screen mode

Hi everyone!
(first post on this forum)

Around 2 years ago I bought the Fireface 802 and I'm very happy with it. Quality materials.

The full screen of the totalmixfx screen should indeed really have a 'fill screen' option.

If you guys would be so kind to work on a simple update like this your product would be even more usefull and easy to work with.


Re: Please enable full screen mode

+1 for full screen

Windows 11 / Nuendo 12 / UFX+ / M-1610 Pro / ADI-2 Pro FS R / Sonnet USB 3.0 PCIe

Re: Please enable full screen mode


Robbie Ost / go!EASTstudios
MADI FX, 2x Express Card,2x Multiface 2

Re: Please enable full screen mode



RME HDSP9652 | | RME Digiface USB

Re: Please enable full screen mode

I actually like this idea too. Also light/dark toggle mode as well.

Re: Please enable full screen mode


Re: Please enable full screen mode


Re: Please enable full screen mode


Re: Please enable full screen mode

I'm using 4K resolution on all my monitors (and I believe this is a pretty common thing nowadays) and DIGICheck is so small.

Re: Please enable full screen mode
