1 (edited by vincentzaalberg 2022-09-01 18:02:37)

Topic: Reamping


I searched the forum for a Totalmix guitar reamping routing but came up empty.
I have a Radial ramp box connected to my ADAT unit's output 8.
This is what my Totalmix routing looks like now. So far I'm only getting a horrible feedback peep from my guitar amp, even if I don't play any signal from Logic Pro.
https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0c4_ … _NYA#Reamp
I'm using a RME Babyface with a Focusrite Saffire 56 connected via ADAT as pre-amps.
Does anyone have any reamping experience or know how to set this up?

Kind regards,


Re: Reamping

Do you have in Totalmix ADAT8 in mirrored to ADAT8 out in Totalmix?
Check Function>Matrix for this.

ADI2, Digiface, ARC

Re: Reamping

I think I do since the hardware output shows signal coming from software output 8. If you look at my screenshot of totalmix what do you think might be wrong? What would the matrix view look like if setup correctly?

4 (edited by fieldstu 2022-09-01 20:03:11)

Re: Reamping

Press the X key to go into the matrix and unclick (by double click) the block that is between vertical ADAT (7&) 8 and the horizontal Out (7&) 8

ADI2, Digiface, ARC

Re: Reamping

I'm sorry. I'm very new to Totalmix and not sure what you mean.
My matrix now looks like this. Did I get it right?
https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/09ch … itA#matrix

Re: Reamping

In the screenshot (I noted Main mix selected not Reamp) I do not see strange things.
Could it be Logic Pro that does input monitoring that results in a loop?
What does the metering in Logic say?

In addition, Is the feedback that you instantly hear metallic-ish? Does it change when you adjust your audio buffer size in Logic? Does it stop when you close Logic or unarm the Rec button? If most yes I suspect Logic mixer/input monitoring.

ADI2, Digiface, ARC

Re: Reamping

Easiest is to track the routing in submix mode (3-row standard format).
Ensure submix mode is selected.
Inspect the submix for each of the outputs that are needed for your routing by
a) inspecting the fader position HW Inputs or SW playbacks or
b) by pressing / toggeling the sub button on the right, which only show HW inputs and SW playbacks that route audio to it

You can have only two types of channels sending audio to an HW output of your recording interface
a) HW inputs (TM FX top row), these are the inputs of your recording interface without the latency over USB/..)
b) SW playbacks (TM FX middle row), this is audio being sent from the PC / DAW (with the typical latency over USB/..)

Reamping depends on what type of amp you have, how it is connected to your setup.
At the end what happens ....
During recording you might record your guitar input assumed you plug the guitar to an instr input of your recording interface.
Reamping means, you send this recorded signal again to the amp.
So ... what is the HW output on your recording interface that sends the signal again to the amp ....
In submix mode click to this output and ensure that you will only route this one SW playback channel to the amp output.
This you can also easily inspect by looking at the fader positions of top and middle row.

Now you need to look the monitoring not to produce any feedback loop. Click to the HW output of your monitors and turn down in top and middle row what is not needed and might produce feedback.

Special care to check for the mic input where you record the amp again. Do not send this signal to your active monitors, send it to headphones instead.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Reamping

Thanks for the replies guys. With those I have made some progress.
So I did manage to revamp using the headphones out of the Babyface itself.

But I didn't manage to setup up the routing I actually set out to make using the outputs on the connected ADAT unit.
I did discover how to avoid the feedback though. Apparently outputs 5-6/7-8/9-10 create this peep when connected to the guitar amp. Not sure why though (I tried avoiding a loop like mentioned but it didn't matter) so I'm just using output 3 on the ADAT unit now. No success yet though.

So I linked my settings so far for mixer and matrix. As you can see the Phones output on the Babyface receives the same output ADAT 3. So I'm not sure why the Babyface Phones out does work for revamping but not any of the ADAT unit outputs. Any clues on that when you see the routings?

https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0deX … Q#totalmix
https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0e33 … Xxg#matrix

Re: Reamping

Most of the work is in your DAW. Send the track in logic to a software output only (middle row) then select the hardware output you want to see it on (bottom row) and raise the software output you sent it to only for that hardware output. From the output of your external device plug this into the input you want to use and create a channel in you DAW for it. I use Cubase so I don’t know how you do that in logic.

The thing to always remember in TotalMix is you select an output and then while it is select you choose which software outputs and there levels go to it. If you switch to another bar ware output then its a totally different mix.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Reamping

Yes mkok, every hardware output has it's individual submix consisting of audio from
- HW inputs (top row) in near-real time, because there you have only the very low converter latency from A/D conversion
- SW playbacks (middle row), audio from PC/applications/DAW, where you have the RTL (round trip latency) over USB/FW/TB/... which depends heavily on the buffer size that you choose

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Reamping

Hey guys,

after seeing we agreed on all fronts I figured Totalmix FX couldn't be the culprit.
So I turned to the ADAT unit driver called MixControl. Turned out the output section needed to be set differently.
I can now finally output from my Babyface to my Liquid Saffire 56 via ADAT.
MixControl settings look like this: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/093S … MixControl

Thanks for jumping in and setting me straight!

Re: Reamping

And as soon as you do it right, it works … magic :-)

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10