1 (edited by strangedays 2022-03-23 22:29:00)

Topic: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

I am getting fed up with RME - I have the Babyface pro FS and when I have to use it on an M1 mac the drivers are a mess - has someone left the development team?  The resolutions involve a degree in technical support.

I fixed it on the M1 Mac Mini, I just got the Macbook air and I cannot get it to work.  Restarts loose the drivers.  Ita a complete f£$%ing joke if I am honest.  The RME driver support was always regarded as the selling point but its now no longer the case.  I am close to going elsewhere.  Sort out your crappy drivers!

I want to add I have been an RME user for sometime - over 5 years, I think they have lost the game now.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

yeah, sorry about your frustrations, strangedays, but did you not see the link that was posted in your other thread?

post 19:  https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=34567

It would probably help your cause if you posted your issues in the right thread (the driver issue you're having with your new Mac you posted in your thread about the faded writing on your BBF Pro Fs) so maybe that's why you didn't see the link. I understand it's frustrating but as an outsider to your situation, I see RME giving you plenty of assistance and almost always, I see the culprit in most peoples issues being NOT RME related. In other words, some driver, device or other issue besides RME drivers.

I know in these times people/customer/society expect fast food speed for resolving every crisis or problem one is having but the reality is that technology moves very fast and with thousands of different suppliers across hardware and software developers, it's near impossible, no, it IS impossible to predict every incompatibility. If you think you'll move to another product and not have these kinds of problems, then you should probably do just that. I do hope, however, that you are able to resolve your driver problem and continue to enjoy your BBF.

Good luck and do whatever it takes to be happy and make music smile



3 (edited by strangedays 2022-03-23 23:14:42)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

I did see this and at the time it worked on the M1 Mac Mini, but this is months later and I cannot for the life of me get this to work.

And to be honest I disagree, RME have had enough time to sort this crap out.  I have had to resort to using an Apogee device.  I am contacting the vendor to get a refund, this product is not properly supported by RME it appears.  I have given up trying to get it to work today.  I can get it working on Intel Mac but not his one (Macbook Air).  I invest as a professional heavily on my audio setup and expect better from RME.

also to suggest things move fast - the M1 has been out over a year now, I expect a higher paid provider of Audio devices to be able to keep up with the smaller cheaper devices out there.  I can buy a reliable SSL or Audient without all this crap.

also sorry - this is not aimed at you - its right at RME, I feel they have become lost in the popularity they have developed.  I am sorry its not enough.  I can purchase a decent audio device for cheaper than RME, I pay for the better drivers and support.  If thats no longer there, and I have to command line the fucking install, well I think I should better place my investment elsewhere.

By the way the above link does not work.  I am a Third line IT engineer - I know how to input commands, the drivers are still not loading.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Link works for me, logged in or not.

No offense taken on my part smile  I don't like when people are frustrated because I know how it feels when you're trying to solve an issue. So, no apologies necessary smile

Hope you get the answers you need soon.


5 (edited by strangedays 2022-03-24 00:27:48)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

sbcrikey wrote:

Link works for me, logged in or not.

No offense taken on my part smile  I don't like when people are frustrated because I know how it feels when you're trying to solve an issue. So, no apologies necessary smile

Hope you get the answers you need soon.


I appreciate the support - what are you running btw?  I am pretty good at this stuff with quite a few years of fixing computers.  I can’t imagine  how the average user can cope with this.  I think I am surprised that after months of this issue RME still have not made a better resolution.

I still cannot get it to work.  It never loads the driver.

The link works but the solution does not. 

I want to know - can a new bought Macbook air purchased today work with a RME product? I have spent 3 hours on this now.

I love the quality of RME but I’ve got a dead end with them now.  I’m going to look around. Anyone have better recommendations.  Maybe the Arturia stuff is better.

I want to add - I got this MacBook Air today.  So it’s a fresh brand new install. No mess, nothing.   this was just a failure from the start.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Maybe I am not the only one..... seems like others are having issues still https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 81&p=8

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?


Did you try this?   https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=33277

MC had, also, posted it in your other thread. I 'm re-posting it, in case you missed it!

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

8 (edited by strangedays 2022-03-24 10:10:26)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

MetalHeadKeys wrote:


Did you try this?   https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=33277

MC had, also, posted it in your other thread. I 'm re-posting it, in case you missed it!

I did read this, it’s the first thing I tried after my previous experience.  I recently upgraded my Intel Mac to the M1 air. I tested with a Mac Mini M1 on the previous thread but held of due to issues. I thought since it had been several months this would not be an issue still.  Apart from this everything else works, only RME seems to have fallen behind in a reliable driver install.  I’m sure they blame Apple but it needs resolving and all my other software has been upgraded.

I tried a bunch of things, I did get it working, but I noticed I also lost it again and then got it back again and seems to be staying.

If this is the norm now I’m just a bit disappointed that it’s become unreliable, I’ll see how I go but I hope RME come up with a better solution than this.

9 (edited by ramses 2022-03-24 13:36:40)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

strangedays wrote:
MetalHeadKeys wrote:


Did you try this?   https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=33277

MC had, also, posted it in your other thread. I 'm re-posting it, in case you missed it!

I did read this, it’s the first thing I tried after my previous experience.  I recently upgraded my Intel Mac to the M1 air. I tested with a Mac Mini M1 on the previous thread but held of due to issues. I thought since it had been several months this would not be an issue still.  Apart from this everything else works, only RME seems to have fallen behind in a reliable driver install.  I’m sure they blame Apple but it needs resolving and all my other software has been upgraded.

I tried a bunch of things, I did get it working, but I noticed I also lost it again and then got it back again and seems to be staying.

If this is the norm now I’m just a bit disappointed that it’s become unreliable, I’ll see how I go but I hope RME come up with a better solution than this.

I see no report back from you in the other thread.
Did you involve RME support ?
Maybe your feedback was simply missing...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

strangedays wrote:

I appreciate the support - what are you running btw?

I have a BBF Pro Fs on a not ancient (but not new!) windows 8 machine. Neither the BBF, Totalmix nor the drivers have given me any issues. Only initial configuration and navigating through the settings during first time install and power up was all I had to deal with. So, definitely not similar to your hardware or the current driver issue you're having.

From what I've seen in several instances lately with people needing a solution to their issue, the best and most quick outcome is when the user supplies all technical details of their OS, hardware setup and error report, if available. This makes sense to me, although I admit I sometimes have a hard time following exactly what RME requests during some of the troubleshooting threads I've read. I'm NOT even close to a computer expert and only know enough to speak somewhat intelligently with things IT related.

Maybe the best path forward is take a step by step approach to what support has suggested you try, take LOTS of notes and document every outcome along the way paying attention to every message box that pops up or any irregularity in your OS configuration and then submit that to RME. It seems like a lot of effort when something should be ready to go out of the box (in my case and many others it usually is) but as you know, there's a lot going on in computers/drivers these days and providing a solution that's compatible with every combination out there is impossible for such complex devices as RME interfaces. I'm certain you'd find that other interface forums also have their share of users having difficulty with drivers, OS settings, etc.

Wish I knew the answer for you. Hope you can get it resolved soon. Hang in there smile


Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

strangedays wrote:

I am getting fed up with RME - I have the Babyface pro FS and when I have to use it on an M1 mac the drivers are a mess - has someone left the development team?  The resolutions involve a degree in technical support.

I fixed it on the M1 Mac Mini, I just got the Macbook air and I cannot get it to work.  Restarts loose the drivers.  Ita a complete f£$%ing joke if I am honest.  The RME driver support was always regarded as the selling point but its now no longer the case.  I am close to going elsewhere.  Sort out your crappy drivers!

I want to add I have been an RME user for sometime - over 5 years, I think they have lost the game now.

None of this is a driver issue, it's Apple security policies. Quite simply. Solutions are on our website and in the forum.

Daniel Fuchs

12 (edited by strangedays 2022-03-28 20:10:06)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

RME Support wrote:
strangedays wrote:

I am getting fed up with RME - I have the Babyface pro FS and when I have to use it on an M1 mac the drivers are a mess - has someone left the development team?  The resolutions involve a degree in technical support.

I fixed it on the M1 Mac Mini, I just got the Macbook air and I cannot get it to work.  Restarts loose the drivers.  Ita a complete f£$%ing joke if I am honest.  The RME driver support was always regarded as the selling point but its now no longer the case.  I am close to going elsewhere.  Sort out your crappy drivers!

I want to add I have been an RME user for sometime - over 5 years, I think they have lost the game now.

None of this is a driver issue, it's Apple security policies. Quite simply. Solutions are on our website and in the forum.

This is a problem with your product, today I restarted my laptop and it dropped the drivers again.

Its getting stupid now and you are just blaming Apple.  My only solution is to consider selling the device.   This Macbook Air is a week old and your device simply does not work properly with it.  I am sure other devices work fine, I have tested an Apogee interface and its fine so I know this is just BS.

13 (edited by strangedays 2022-03-29 07:23:56)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

BlackBlossom wrote:

Lost 8 hours today to faffing about with the M1 drivers. I've had to completely give up on the USB driver on the UFX+ and revert to the not-completely-working Thunderbolt driver. Not sure what is going on with this stuff, but I know Apple has these strict new procedures about drivers but it doesn't explain the inconsistency *once* you do have the drivers installed. DriverKit 4.0 broke my USB driver setup completely, and even after removing every trace and reverting back to 3.27, I now have a Totalmix app that disconnects from the UFX+ after a minute or so. The last boot I had the Totalmix window disconnect, it's gui hung my desktop so I turned the UFX+ off with the power switch on the front of the UFX+, resulting in a sudden purple screen of death from the M1 Macbook and instant shut down kernel panic. Honestly, turning off the audio interface shouldn't be able to do this!

Thunderbolt seems to have got me back to a working setup but with a minimum buffer of 64 here. At least it's working again, I'm gonna not touch anything from here, but jeez what a sh*tshow.

Seems to be a right pain.  I want to be careful as I know I feel like I'm blaming RME.  The problem is its so annoying when you reboot and loose it all, I find a combination of plugging stuff in certain ways solves the issues but it is a right pain.

And Kudos to RME I don't want to switch interfaces, I stuck with Babyface pro FS as its the smallest portable quality interface on the market thats up in mastering quality conversion.  Finding. a stable solution would be nice, I'm just getting fed up with the support on here telling us to read the "fix" which doesn't solve the problem 100%.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

A look around the forum will reveal that this isn't a common problem, and that these solutions do help. Why this isn't the case on your system remains to be determined. It may be an individual issue, not even a general Apple matter. We may not be able to unilaterally provide a fix here, sorry.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

I agree that it can be a pain to install RME drivers on an Apple M1 computer. I did it on around 5 computers up until now and it was always annoying, though I got it to work in the end, through the help posted on various threads in this user forum.
I think it is very frustrating to consult a user forum, just to install a driver for a product aimed at audio professionals (not IT professionals).

Finally there are some new drivers on the way which hopefully will make the install a bit smoother:

The thread says "Several years ago Apple decided to no longer allow so called kernel extensions in hardware drivers."
Reading this, I really don't understand what took (and is taking) RME so long to re-write their drivers for Apple's Driver Kit. Instead of being proactive about it and prioritising new drivers from their side, they were mostly just blaming Apple for it on this forum. Btw, the first M1 developer machines have been available since 2020...

I also hope that the new drivers come out quickly and work well on ARM based Macs. Will need to switch brands otherwise, as well.


Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

That's a very limited and one-sided view on what's going on.

The thread says "Several years ago Apple decided to no longer allow so called kernel extensions in hardware drivers."Reading this, I really don't understand what took (and is taking) RME so long to re-write their drivers for Apple's Driver Kit.

You think when Apple announced this a working/useable DriverKit for developers was available? That was an announcement about what will happen in unspecified years ahead. And I don't like when simple statements of a few words are not just taken as information, but turned around into an attack weapon. Shooting the messenger will not help you.

We are working on these new drivers for a long time already. You seem to think it is just a simple porting done in a week? Not at all.

As long as Apple not completely blocks 'old' drivers they are valid and should just work. On this whole unreliable and both us and the customers driving crazy Allow and driver blocking issues (that started long ago) I will continue to blame Apple - because it is the simple truth. It is 100% in their domain, not ours.

And as we already have a customer who claims that the old kernel extension shows slightly better performance than the DriverKit one - wait how all this new stuff will work out. It's far too early to be enthusiastic.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

MC wrote:

And as we already have a customer who claims that the old kernel extension shows slightly better performance than the DriverKit one - wait how all this new stuff will work out. It's far too early to be enthusiastic.

Dang, that’s not what I wanted to hear. At some stage I’ll need to move to an ARM Mac and the last thing I want is to lose performance.

18 (edited by strangedays 2022-03-31 22:30:18)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Basically RME have admitted they can no longer properly support Apple computers.   I don't care about technical details.  If RME cannot get it working reliably then that is that, you are Windows only with a bit of Apple support.  Every OS update kills the RME install to some degree.  I love the hardware but you need to get someone looking at the software again otherwise I am sorry your reputation is gone in my view.

I appreciate that RME are saying this is Apples fault - and it may be, but that does not mean you can no longer properly support the hardware.  If Apple have cut you of supporting it properly, fair enough, but something needs to be said and done so those of us using it can move on.


Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Maddcow wrote:
MC wrote:

And as we already have a customer who claims that the old kernel extension shows slightly better performance than the DriverKit one - wait how all this new stuff will work out. It's far too early to be enthusiastic.

Dang, that’s not what I wanted to hear. At some stage I’ll need to move to an ARM Mac and the last thing I want is to lose performance.

Well, it is just one user. Others (including us) have at least the same performance with DriverKit, and the new Ms are spectacular in performance anyway, so your experience should be a step up when changing to Apple Silicon.

Matthias Carstens

20 (edited by ramses 2022-11-13 11:05:49)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

strangedays wrote:

Basically RME have admitted they can no longer properly support Apple computers.   I don't care about technical details.  If RME cannot get it working reliably then that is that, you are Windows only with a bit of Apple support.  Every OS update kills the RME install to some degree.  I love the hardware but you need to get someone looking at the software again otherwise I am sorry your reputation is gone in my view.

I appreciate that RME are saying this is Apples fault - and it may be, but that does not mean you can no longer properly support the hardware.  If Apple have cut you of supporting it properly, fair enough, but something needs to be said and done so those of us using it can move on.

Reminds me of the USB issues at Apple that came up of all sudden due to a change from Apple in their USB stack ~4y ago.

RME rightly said that only Apple could solve the problem. But angry Apple customers have raised massive allegations against RME here in the forum.

The only thing that ultimately helped was that the trade press took up the topic after about six months.
The moment Apple was publicly criticized and with high visibility, Apple finally addressed the issue and resolved the issue in their USB stack, which RME correctly assessed and communicated from the start.
Unfortunately, the whole thing dragged on for around nine months in total and what did RME have to listen to here ...

Criticism in the public should be made in an appropriate way. It's not the best way when it escalates to massive and exaggerated allegations. Even if you don't care about technical details, you should at least consider that the problems in this case might also be on Apples side, as before certain security related changes in the Apple OS all was running fine.

Have you already opened a ticket with Apple and what is Apple's reaction?

What was interesting about the USB problem was that a customer reported that there were no interfaces between Apple customer support and development. Should surprise me, but it would at least fit into the picture that certain problems at Apple are not recognized in time and have to be publicly escalated via the trade press to get a solution.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Hi strangedays,
I understand your frustration and my response is not going to help solve your problem but may broaden the scope of your search for answers. I have only very recently moved to a MacBook M1 Pro (Monterey 12.3) from using Windows PC's with Cubase and Reaper via many RME products over 13 years (currently UFX+ and ADI-2 PRO fs).

I use my DAW(s) for live mixing : 16+ audio channels and BFD3 & SSD5.5 VSTI at lowest possible latency (so can work at 48kHz 32 sample buffer but use 64 samples for safety margin) all through Rosetta translation.
I had been using the UFX+ via Thunderbolt (StarTech adapter and 2m cable) but thought I would give the USB v4.0 Beta driver a go. Even though I got the V4.0 Beta driver working after a few restarts and installing the 3.27 driver as a reference, I decided to drop back to the 3.27 driver until some of the bugs are worked out in new releases.

I haven't tested it exhaustivley (only installed USB driver this week) but it does work without any of the trauma you have endured.
Like I said, I know it doesn't help you specifically but there must be something weird going on for you that has not been discovered yet. I'm sure you will find it.


Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

strangedays wrote:

Basically RME have admitted they can no longer properly support Apple computers.

You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. As others have tried to point out, this statement is simply not correct.

I don't care about technical details.

You should. That's the thing about facts, they matter.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

MC wrote:

That's a very limited and one-sided view on what's going on.

We are working on these new drivers for a long time already. You seem to think it is just a simple porting done in a week? Not at all.

I bet it's not that simple, and sorry if my words sounded harsh. I appreciate the hard work going into this.

I admit that it is a one-sided view in the end, as I look at it from a customer / studio admin perspective who paid a bit more for RME products, mainly as the drivers are rock solid (they still are) and were easy to install on any mac. The latter is no longer the case at the moment, while there are competitors out there who released drivers since quite a while, which do not require to reduce the security settings on the current Macs.

Anyways,... with the new driver in beta now, I am confident it'll all be fine soon.

24 (edited by strangedays 2022-05-02 20:30:13)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

hselters wrote:
MC wrote:

That's a very limited and one-sided view on what's going on.

We are working on these new drivers for a long time already. You seem to think it is just a simple porting done in a week? Not at all.

I bet it's not that simple, and sorry if my words sounded harsh. I appreciate the hard work going into this.

I admit that it is a one-sided view in the end, as I look at it from a customer / studio admin perspective who paid a bit more for RME products, mainly as the drivers are rock solid (they still are) and were easy to install on any mac. The latter is no longer the case at the moment, while there are competitors out there who released drivers since quite a while, which do not require to reduce the security settings on the current Macs.

Anyways,... with the new driver in beta now, I am confident it'll all be fine soon.

I decided to post my response after a bit longer - ive not tried the new beta drivers so would be interested.  I also agree with the above poster.   What has annoyed me a bit is I have used RME products for a long time, youll see me moan on here only trying to learn Totalmix, but hardware wise, I thought the products were solid.  Also ironically RME support posted above a false startement, there are others having issues and are very frustrated. 

I have managed to get the device working - not reliably however, to say RME drivers are still stable when they simply are not , certainly not on the Mac M1.  I find constantly that the RME starts up hard panned to the left sometimes, it still drops and a complete reset is needed of the system.  Let not forget the quality of the device where the button text is fading on the physical unit itself.  I am sending it of to repair soon so hope this resolves that.  I have an Apogee device that is far more reliable and I am considering selling the RME - its a painful choice given all the time I spent learning Totalmix.  As a long time RME user I am sad as the first Babyface pro (no FS) I had was great quality.  I have read the comments above that seems to defend RME but as a pretty competent user (I am also an IT engineer) I expect a device to just work, or at least not keep failing. Also I am simply comparing it to the Apogee One on and M1 Mac and is simply more reliable.  Sorry but its true, my tests have proved it.  Maybe it is Apples fault that the RME drivers don't work as they should, however I don't have the time to mess about with this when other products simply work as expected.

If RME are just going to bury their head into the sand, at least I know I can use alternative products now and get the reliability I need.  I'll give it a bit longer but eventually I will just sell it of and maybe try a slightly more high end alternative.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

So I've just about had enough of this.  I noticed RME have been pretty poor with their responses on here.  I did a comparison between the inbuilt MAC driver and the RME fell flat on its face.  The inbuilt audio drivers destroy the RME drivers - what the hell is going on with RME?

Is there a beta driver or now, the last one was out over 6 months ago and is rubbish, this was a simple test.  Try the Coreaudio driver and compare it to the RME.  I cannot get more than 40 tracks to run reliably.  I am moaning as I cannot get a refund on this device I bough last year.  I am fast loosing all my faith in RME.  Seems like they are more interested in promoting their DAC quality than the usability of their devices.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Is there a beta driver or now, the last one was out over 6 months ago and is rubbish, this was a simple test.

The beta driver for USB v4.01 from last month is here, did you see it?


Have you updated to Monterey (OS12)? Many of the Apple bugs around the KEXT consent list are fixed there, as far as we can tell.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

All up to date, latest OS and updated to the latest drivers - just tried the beta, made no difference, still plays better on the macbook internal card.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Odd. - even though I only had an issue with the RME after updating and resetting to default did it trigger it to calm back down.

I’ll see how all the up to date drivers behave now I still think it’s dropping the device though.

29 (edited by lbond 2022-07-03 18:01:50)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

I'm getting horrible DSP audio spikes and short drop outs on my M1 Pro MBP, MacOS 12.4 with my Babyface Pro in both Ableton Live & Bitwig. It's connected directly using the USB-C cable for it. When I switch to the built-in output, all the problems go away. Something isn't right.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

I've started using an Apogee device for a while, I still work on the Babyface but with reliability in question I have 2 options now.

Who knows where the fault lies, I hope eventually it settles down.  Various plugins runnng through Rosetta are causing issues as well.  I can appreciate that Apple are moving too fast, it seems like the M2 is coming out and we are still transitioning (and the M2 looks like a step back on the Macbook Pro).

I regret leaving my Intel based computer on many things, not noise and battery life though.  Have to live with it now.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

I'm using RME products for about 25 years now. Mostly because the drivers got updated regulary and also because i love Digicheck. Generally the hardware is way too expensive.

However i had lots of problems with USB drivers for my USB Madiface, i disabled lot of stuff in the bios/windows which ive read in forums to make it work better But it never run properly for me and i always have a high end pc. Even if its a windows problem (i looked for non shared USB ports and everything) usb didnt work for me so gave it back and i bought a HDSPe Madi Card and because how the pcie port is handled there were no probs anymore.

Anyway as YOU ALL AT RME should know, ARM CPUs will be the future. IF its apple or if even Intel will one do go ARM, RME products will need to have Native Drivers. You can blame it on apple, even if they dont make it easy - YOU guys need to deal with them and make proper drivers or your hardware will be nothing without proper drivers and you will see many customers leave RME.
I just went here today because i will sell my PC system and i will buy a Mac Studio so of course i was looking for proper M1 support and i didnt find it. Forget this Rosetta shit. Its just an easy way out of the misery to use your old drivers which you spend years on programming, understanable but WE dont buy superb hardware to get bottlenecked by emulated old drivers. You buy fast hardware you want it fast and working !!

Also i think hardware like your Madiface,Babyface etc could use a Version 2 with usb3.2 to be future proof. Just saying.

and btw.Daniel Fuchs, ive never seen a more unfriendly guy. Should this be customer support your giving here?
Everything you say sounds like a big FU. Customers bring your food to the table so be friendly.

Things like "Solutions are on our website and in the forum." Yeah nice, its like "look in the internet". Should this be helpful ? Why didnt you post a link for example ? Even if you dislike this "stangedays" guy who speaks up, which most people dont,  other customer will come here with the same problem and YOU didnt help them at all.
or "None of this is a driver issue, it's Apple security policies. Quite simply." same FU. Why arent you saying that youre working on drivers already and evtl even the status how far you are(and i mean at the time of the original post in march)to calm down the readers?
Same with this anwer:
"It may be an individual issue, not even a general Apple matter. We may not be able to unilaterally provide a fix here, sorry." Yeah sure - SORRY! i dont see any sorry here in these answers from you, you didnt even ask what "strangedays" was doing or trying to do to get his hardware working. He was so down that he sold his YOUR RME hardwaer, that alone would make me think twice what i say.I didnt see any help here from your site once again. I just see a FU. And im not the only one who reads this forum, so if i wouldnt own RME product i would just leave and buy something else. I may do sell my hardware if i dont see proper drivers soon.
AND - You as a musician should know that saying "Its the Tone which makes the music" and i dont like this tone here.
PS, M2 is already there !!

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

bazooka wrote:

and btw.Daniel Fuchs, ive never seen a more unfriendly guy. Should this be customer support your giving here?

Please consider that this is primarily a user forum. Customer support is available by mail directly.

Things like "Solutions are on our website and in the forum." Yeah nice, its like "look in the internet". Should this be helpful ? Why didnt you post a link for example ?

Links have been posted here, and I pointed specifically to this forum and the website. There is a sticky link right here that mentions the issue with drivers being "dropped" after reboot.

or "None of this is a driver issue, it's Apple security policies. Quite simply." same FU. Why arent you saying that youre working on drivers already and evtl even the status how far you are(and i mean at the time of the original post in march)to calm down the readers?!

It's a statement of a fact. The cause of these issues is not RME-specific, it's an Apple matter. I can only state facts here. There are working solutions, and I would not want to recommend a beta driver as a "solution" for a production system, because beta.
It isn't helpful to unilaterally put the blame on the RME side and simply ignore the fact that the solutions we provide do work. Sometimes there are things about an individual system that get in the way. This doesn't turn it into a general RME issue, and one would have to look closely at the system to see what might be the cause.

And the Babyface etc. can be connected to USB 3 or USB-C with a simple cable. They do not need the bandwidth, though, USB 2 is plenty. Even for the Madiface USB.

Daniel Fuchs

33 (edited by strangedays 2022-09-03 15:18:44)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

I revisited this to see if there was an update, looks like the blame got lobbed at Apple.

I'm about to upgrade my studio to a new location and was wondering if the issues were resolved before plunging into the continued issues.  I have learnt to live with them, but strictly speaking the RME is not properly silicon compatible - despite whose fault it is.  I can get it working now but I have had issues.  I have always found the support to be a little confusing as well regarding Totalmix which is just too complicated when trying to work efficiently (I was warned by a few other engineers that its complicated and it put them of).  Not sure if my opinions will fall on deaf ears but over the next few months I will be looking to upgrade in line with the studio I may have to consider an alternative and do some testing, it will be interesting to see if other products are effected by the fault of Apple that plagues RME.

34 (edited by gonziak 2022-10-04 10:30:09)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

lbond wrote:

I'm getting horrible DSP audio spikes and short drop outs on my M1 Pro MBP, MacOS 12.4 with my Babyface Pro in both Ableton Live & Bitwig. It's connected directly using the USB-C cable for it. When I switch to the built-in output, all the problems go away. Something isn't right.

I had the same with Logic x, stuttering even without processor spikes. Someone on gearspace suggested to change the buffer so I changed process buffer range to medium, lowered it and voila works great on 1024 and 512.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Hey Yall not here to cause more of a ruckus than there already is but I have submitted a ticket for my own issue with M1 and Fireface UFX. I will paste what I submitted here. I have the large M1 pro. Definitely have weird pops where output signals on RME rack and every 30 seconds or so there is a recording hiccup on both Logic Pro X and The absolute latest Ableton and Ableton Beta version.

While I understand it takes time to adopt these new standards, it's pretty lame to get an interface (brand new) that people rave about and slowly find out it _does not support the latest computers that have been out for 3 years now_ even though it says it has updated drivers on the website. It's just a huge hassle now that I have to probably return this and find some other product that can compete. Is there anything we can do to help, can we submit tickets to apple on this issue's behalf. I feel like we all have skin in the game (RME +users), we should be banding together and bringing balance to the force not destroying.

The rest of what I've seen on this interface is awesome. But I may have to switch hmm.



Hi, I recently purchased a Fireface UFXII+ brand new with the ARC USB and I'm having substantial issues with pops and lags. Actually a lot more than my previous Apollo X8P setup with my M1 mac. I got this interface in order to use at low sample rates but it appears pretty unusable...It's not super frequent but frequent enough to ruin a recording ~every 1 minute. In total mix it looks like a bunch of Audio buses suddenly experience a pop, even output buses at the bottom that have no signal going through them. This seems like a totalmix problem?

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Sorry yall I did not read the comment about the 4.3 beta drivers going to try that first

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

The beta drivers have been work amazingly well here.

Matt McKenzie-Smith (UFXII, UFX, Babyface) MacStudioUltra OS13.2.1

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

So far no good for me. Still jitters/dropouts and the pops in audio is actually worse. I tried thunderbolt2(didn't work) went back to USB3.2 into CalDigit TS3, IDK going to try some different dongles but so far it's bleak

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Update using the 4.06 drivers, the audio playback just watching youtube during work hours is now choppy w/ dropouts too. ..

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Took the time to register here because I felt the need to share that the admin's attitude has succeeded in turning me off RME products. Later.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

ryan.kosel wrote:

Took the time to register here because I felt the need to share that the admin's attitude has succeeded in turning me off RME products. Later.


Matt McKenzie-Smith (UFXII, UFX, Babyface) MacStudioUltra OS13.2.1

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

ryan.kosel wrote:

Took the time to register here because I felt the need to share that the admin's attitude has succeeded in turning me off RME products. Later.

The "admin" I assume you meant MC? He is Matthias Carstens, the co-founder of RME.

What attitude are you getting from him? I think he is very knowledgeable and helpful, if you meant being direct, I guess that's the cultural difference. I am sure he meant no offense, just efficient and straight to the point.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Guys, what is the best solution then? I have the UCX sound card.
Should I risk the safety of my whole operating system by enabling the kernel extensions or there are any other, safer solutions?

44 (edited by strangedays 2022-11-12 13:23:32)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Solution - get another interface.  It’s not ideal I picked up an Apogee One (one if the newer ones) for cheap which is not as good sound wise as the RME but it’s portable.  It works fine, but uses Coreaudio.  I’ve now read a number of issues on some companies drivers and what’s frustrating is everyone’s blaming each other.  I partly blame Apple as well in this but as a customer of both RME I don’t care whose fault it iis - I just need it to work.

It’s frustrating.  I’ve tried a lot of alternative things, there is no consistency - I can run a basic audio only session with basic M1 native plugins and get CPU spikes - totally random.  And I’ve been using Apple for years and it was all fine on Intel.  If someone suggests adjusting buffer sizes again I’ll cry haha! 

I’ve still got the Babyface but if the situation isn’t resolved when I can afford to test some good alternatives I’ll have to switch if I can confirm for sure it’s the heart of the issues.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

It would be nice to come here and not see you whining every other day. Just get the other interface and move on. Somehow I think RME will pull through without you.

46 (edited by strangedays 2022-11-12 16:35:13)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

DaveC wrote:

It would be nice to come here and not see you whining every other day. Just get the other interface and move on. Somehow I think RME will pull through without you.

If you have nothing helpful to say don’t bother.  I’m sure RME will do fine without me - and your point is? 

Can do without that sort of attitude, we are trying to get the devices working if you don’t like it don’t read it.  I’ve not got the cash to get another device yet so I was holding out till I can afford it.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Your heading on this post is BS.  That's my point. You running around demanding to be spoonfed is my point. Just move on BETA.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

The OS world is a very strange one esp Apple,

Apples seem to be always pushing the boundary, that courses them to keep changing OS, in turn messes up drivers and trashes your work flow, Windows is a bit more forgiving and carries drivers through for a very long time.

one does wonder if Apple is on a sort of sabotage mission as they seem to dont give two hoots about messing up your work flow and production

On the other hand Apple want wait for every one to catch up they will just move on and leave a trail of destruction behind them

So what do you do.

For one do Apple owners really need to update every time a new OS comes out iis what we are doing for our project more important than taking an update risk

We can at least do research before we pull the trigger and up date to the latest and greatest,

What was working so stable with out a glitch no issues, now becomes redundant because we pulled the trigger and updated to the latest OS.

So what is more important, staying put with everything working good or updating and destroying all our work.

49 (edited by strangedays 2022-11-13 01:41:56)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

DaveC wrote:

Your heading on this post is BS.  That's my point. You running around demanding to be spoonfed is my point. Just move on BETA.

You are one of those typical internet types that hide behind anonymity.  The point of this post was clear but there is no point trying to justify it to you.  You have decided to jump on a soapbox and that’s that.  There are a number of others struggling with their device trying to get it running smoothly as can be seen here.

Time to move in mate and try and wind up someone else.

I’m not saying any more on this. I have other things to do. If you wish to proceed further enjoy wasting your time we can all see you for the type of person you are.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Look Junior, I'm no more anonymous than you. I'm against entitled little bungholes running around with accusations flying. Yeah, I'm a musician not a glorified consumer entitled to all things. Do you see the reply from Novaburst? Thats the truth. You want to push the envelope fine, but stop your incessant bitching about RME owing you something spurred me to join up and call you out. YOU are the problem Nobody owes you xxx xxxx. You get answers you don't like, start blaming everyone except yourself with unfounded accusations. Yes I hate entitled xxxx who cannot see when someone tries to enlighten them with truth. I am a lurker because of xxxx like yourself. I don't get involved except in cases like this.  You going away all butthurt? My work is done here.