Topic: ADI-2 pro and UCXII breakout box

Im making a breakout box for UCXII and ADI-2 pro. Its db-9 to db-9 to AES, Spdif I/O. My question, is db9 contact pin 1 and shield the same.?

I see ground is connected to barrel in the breakout cable.

Can somone help me make this out.

ADI-2 DAC, ADI-2 PRO, DigifaceUSB, UCXII, ARC, HEGEL.h80, KEF.ls50, HD650, ie400pro _,.\''/.,_


Re: ADI-2 pro and UCXII breakout box

Shield of AES cables - yes.

Matthias Carstens

Re: ADI-2 pro and UCXII breakout box

Thnx MC!

ADI-2 DAC, ADI-2 PRO, DigifaceUSB, UCXII, ARC, HEGEL.h80, KEF.ls50, HD650, ie400pro _,.\''/.,_