1 (edited by Kaijudub 2022-10-12 22:20:27)

Topic: What is the tilt value on Digi Check NG spectral analyser

Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone can clarify the tilt settings / values on SA are? Have done some searching and can't find any info. I'm assuming it's around a 4-5 db going by ProQ... Also is there anyway of turning the tilt off?



Re: What is the tilt value on Digi Check NG spectral analyser

There is no tilt and no tilt setting. The SA uses bandpass filters and therefore requires pink noise for a flat horizontal line.

Matthias Carstens

Re: What is the tilt value on Digi Check NG spectral analyser

Ok thanks for the response. I'm not really sure what that means but will try and do some research.

Might have to stick with Pro Q for a bit longer as DC looks like a completely different song atm and tbh has confused the f**k out of me lol!


Re: What is the tilt value on Digi Check NG spectral analyser

Of course. If you are used to look at the visual signature of a song with one tool, a different tool needs learning again...

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by Kaijudub 2022-10-13 21:40:23)

Re: What is the tilt value on Digi Check NG spectral analyser

I get that, but its quite a drastic difference imo. Digi check shows that my high end frequencies (shakers, hats, rides etc) are as loud as my low end frequencies (sub, kick) which makes no logical sense to me, especially if a tilt isn't being applied...

Can you link to me to any literature that might explain how the spectral analyser works using bandpass filters, I'm struggling to find anything personally.


Have found this - https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/Spec … _Usage.pdf  - Playing with the rise times seems to give me something more similar to what I'm used to seeing.


Re: What is the tilt value on Digi Check NG spectral analyser

Using a sweeped sine, or just a sine at different frequencies, easily proves that the bands all show the same level (no tilt). Yes, a higher rise time will cause shakers to get lower in display. And don't overlook the Max L/R option, which brings down mono-bass a bit due to no longer summing mono signals.

Matthias Carstens

Re: What is the tilt value on Digi Check NG spectral analyser

And don't overlook the Max L/R option, which brings down mono-bass a bit due to no longer summing mono signals.

How much is a bit? So does that mean Left + Right is a more "accurate" reading? I just want to see what my daw / computer is outputting lol, it really shouldn't be this confusing to set up.