Topic: Help with 1/2 Out Routing in CC Mode UCX II

I have my UCX II in class compliant mode connected to my AKAI MPC Live II over USB. The UCX II is acting as the MPC's audio interface. I am able to access all of the audio inputs, including ADAT, from the UCX II, inside of the MPC Live II. Panning individual inputs or stereo pairs from within the MPC Live II works as expected with one problem. The panning is not properly reflected in the Channel 1/2 main outs of the UCX II to my monitors. Running only one stereo audio source into the UCX II ==> Live II and hard panning it to the left or right, weakens the output in the left or right 1/2 output channel but it does not completely eliminate the signal. Leaving panning centered results in a louder signal. I think I have something messed up in the routing where there is more than one copy of the input signal being routed the UCX II's 1/2 outs. On the UCX II mix/signal screen I see the effects of hard panning for example input 5/6 left or right, but the outgoing signal in 1/2 shows a signal in both channels, regardless of how I've panned the input channel. I hope that makes sense. I've been reading through the manual about routing and operations in CC mode, but at this point I'm really confused. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Re: Help with 1/2 Out Routing in CC Mode UCX II

I am uncertain whether pan law is implemented when running in CC mode standalone…

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Help with 1/2 Out Routing in CC Mode UCX II

Thanks for your reply. The manual states that the main reason Class Compliant mode was implemented for the UCX II, was for connectivity with an Apple iPad. I'm wondering if the functionality is different in CC mode when connected to an iPad. I'm going to pick up one of those Apple multiport adapters and see if panning works on output channels 1/2 when the UCX II is working as an iPad's audio interface. I did notice that when connected to my MPC Live II, panning works with the other output channels. So if I connect my monitors to output 5/6 of the UCX II, and use 5/6 as my main outs, the panning I do in the MPC Live II is properly reflected, but I lose control of the volume of 5/6 from the UCX II's front panel knob. I could send every input from the MPC Live II to channel 5/6 and out to my monitors with proper panning, but I'd really like to be able to quickly control the overall volume from the front panel of the UCX II.