1 (edited by Piplodocus 2022-10-24 13:30:56)

Topic: UFX II and MacOS Ventura

I never got an answer on this, so gonna re-write the whole post now I've read more info in hope of an answer....

So MacOS Ventura comes out today. Based on some system messages in Monterey saying kexts may be deprecated soon is Ventura going to be killing kext based drivers? Or can I actually still keep using kext based ones with Ventura?

If not I presume if I get Ventura I have to use the v4.06 beta pinned above that is DriverKit based (from what I can tell)? Is this the only Ventura-compatible one available?

  • The beta post above doesn't sound like it's working too well. Is that the case and is still very buggy? Or are those more edge-cases

  • If I just do an upgrade from Monterey to Ventura will this kill my current drivers and I'll need to manually download and install new ones, or will something happen automatically to update them?

  • Anything else I should definitely do or not do?

  • And basically any other info I may want to know from what the differences are, will it increase latency or have bad side effects if I go to Ventura and have to use new drivers, and basically anything else useful (or just interesting) about what Apple have done to drivers and any likely annoyances (or benefits) they'll have created.

As far as I can tell it sounds a bit like maybe I should stick with Monterey as long as possible if I want my UFX II to keep working. But for some stuff I want to do I'd definitely like Metal 3 available so want to upgrade ASAP.

Re: UFX II and MacOS Ventura
