Topic: BabyFace Pro Guitar DI Issues and I/O Issues

Hi there!

Forgive me if this isn't the right place to post, but I couldn't find a troubleshooting thread.

I recently got a Babyface Pro as a new interface and am having a few issues with it - or maybe with TotalMix. I've watched the RME quickstart videos and the deeper dives into the TotalMix software, but it didn't answer any questions. I'm not sure if I'm just totally missing something or if there is another issue.

There are two main problems:

1. Running guitar DI (through the instrument jacks) - When I try to run my guitar through the analog inputs (have tried both 3 and 4), I hardly get any signal - no matter how much or how little gain I add. I'm wondering if the input is set to an instrument level instead of a line level and if I can change that. I looked in the manual, but couldn't find any info. I'm not 100% sure if this is the issue but seems a likely culprit. I've tried multiple instruments and cables and have even tried another Babyface Pro Unit. I can't seem to nail down the problem.

2. - In this video, when he goes into Reaper (which is the same DAW I'm using), all of the possible channels appear; Analog 1 and 2, 3 and 4, and the digital inputs. When I am in Reaper, I can only see the first two channels as options when selecting an input.

Any ideas for these? I would be grateful. Thank you!

2 (edited by ebmmbongo 2022-11-29 08:04:57)

Re: BabyFace Pro Guitar DI Issues and I/O Issues

Here is how I run the same babyface:
If using the 3/4, plug the guitar right into the interface. If using a DI, use inputs 1/2.
Also, there is an upcoming update to the BF Pro and UCX II, giving them more gain on instrument inputs: … 11#p178611

Babyface Pro FS, MSI GS66, Studio One

3 (edited by BabyFace'dPro 2022-11-29 22:18:49)

Re: BabyFace Pro Guitar DI Issues and I/O Issues

ebmmbongo wrote:

Here is how I run the same babyface:
If using the 3/4, plug the guitar right into the interface. If using a DI, use inputs 1/2.
Also, there is an upcoming update to the BF Pro and UCX II, giving them more gain on instrument inputs: … 11#p178611

I am plugging right into inputs 3 or 4. The problem is that I am getting a signal so small that it's completely inaudible. According to the retail store I purchased it from, I should be able to plug it into the input and immediately get signal.

Re: BabyFace Pro Guitar DI Issues and I/O Issues

BabyFace'dPro wrote:

2. - In this video, when he goes into Reaper (which is the same DAW I'm using), all of the possible channels appear; Analog 1 and 2, 3 and 4, and the digital inputs. When I am in Reaper, I can only see the first two channels as options when selecting an input.
Any ideas for these? I would be grateful. Thank you!

The video does not show to select the audio interface in the first place before starting to record.
In Reaper menu Options Preferences audio Device, select the Babyface and Apply.
Then all the Inputs of the Babyface should be available in Reaper as Input channels.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: BabyFace Pro Guitar DI Issues and I/O Issues

BabyFace'dPro wrote:
ebmmbongo wrote:

Here is how I run the same babyface:
If using the 3/4, plug the guitar right into the interface. If using a DI, use inputs 1/2.
Also, there is an upcoming update to the BF Pro and UCX II, giving them more gain on instrument inputs: … 11#p178611

I am plugging right into inputs 3 or 4. The problem is that I am getting a signal so small that it's completely inaudible. According to the retail store I purchased it from, I should be able to plug it into the input and immediately get signal.

How weakis the signal? Look in TotalMix, I have about -14 when recording a Musicman Stingray (eq at about midpoits), and -24 when recording a low signal tele. Totally workable, I just increase the input gain on the amp plugin.

Babyface Pro FS, MSI GS66, Studio One