Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

DaveC, this is a formal warning. This kind of language is not tolerated in this forum. If you can't critisize without insulting name calling then please refrain from posting.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

toms.aunins wrote:

Guys, what is the best solution then? I have the UCX sound card.
Should I risk the safety of my whole operating system by enabling the kernel extensions or there are any other, safer solutions?

The current beta drivers aside, there are no other solutions, and this does not compromise safety.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

My deep gratitude to the RME engineers for making such a solid, long lived product, well supported by carefully written driver and software.

here:  babyface, ufx, ff400 all still running strong from mac os 10.14.6 intel to 12.6.1 M1 apple silicon.

Keep it up, RME.

-jeremiah moore, san francisco

1: MBP M1 Max 64gb
2: 2018 i7 Mini, 32gb
ProTools 2023.3, Live 11
UFX, FF400, Babyface

54 (edited by strangedays 2022-12-14 21:57:22)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

jeremiahmoore wrote:

My deep gratitude to the RME engineers for making such a solid, long lived product, well supported by carefully written driver and software.

here:  babyface, ufx, ff400 all still running strong from mac os 10.14.6 intel to 12.6.1 M1 apple silicon.

Keep it up, RME.

-jeremiah moore, san francisco

Its this sort of post that makes you want to love RME and stick with it.  Unfortunately you get some posts by insulting members that take it too far.  My Babyface has settled down now and I know how to manage the issues.  The M1 Mac caused too many issues on many levels for a lot of users, I think a lot of us were sold its good fortunes on Youtube creative content makers.  Its getting there, it took longer than I thought.  Will stick with it for now, my Apogee is still my most reliable device, it just doesnt have the quality of sound of the Babyface FS.

Sometimes passionately placed words of frustration are actually a sign of hope and love for a product that has started to let you down.  Some of us creative types get that more I think.

55 (edited by strangedays 2022-12-17 01:31:35)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Is good that there is a place where some feel they have a place they belong.

I‘m just not that type of devoted fanboy. It’s quite amusing to let the build up grow  that it reveals the true personalities of some (even if the internet provides the convinient cloke to hide behind). 

Feel free to unleash your feelings and please feel free to dry yourself of after you are finished you want the title of RME brown nose boy be my guest!

If it wasn’t for opinions being made we wouldn’t challenge the quality but as pointed above I think your attitude has already been questioned by RME.  Let’s see - do you want to push it to the point where you are no longer welcomed around these parts?

As for my feelings I do think there have been some issues with the recent quality of RMEs Babyface  pro FS from a physical point and driver situation, I’ve used the devices since the Fireface (the 400 was fantastic).  I’m entitled to an opinion and if you like it or if anyone cares or not is not my problem, RME need to know how some customers feel.  It doesn’t live up to the same quality I’ve experienced and I don’t see a problem with pointing that out.  To say nobody cares is an oversite given that others have vented frustration.

I await a pathetic insult that last time almost got someone barred. For the rest of us, as I said making these points only serves to assist RME in making sure the quality remains consistent.

56 (edited by ramses 2022-12-17 15:11:10)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

"It's not what you say, but how you say it." It is also possible to criticise in an appropriate way without unnecessarily dramatising something. I had the impression in this thread that strangedays used the forum specifically to both exert pressure and to make the manufacturer look bad.
Although I did not find DaveC's rather offensive answer ideal either, I can understand his displeasure.
Maybe we should simply learn from it (again) that communication over Internet is at times challenging and now close this thread.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

I’ve been following this thread since its inception and am quite shocked that RME have allowed the degree of vitriol and personal attacks that have occurred, and are continuing to occur.

I haven’t always agreed with how @strangedays has presented his thoughts (although I have silently agreed with many of them) but do we really need to stoop to personal attacks, people)?


Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Maddcow wrote:

I’ve been following this thread since its inception and am quite shocked that RME have allowed the degree of vitriol and personal attacks that have occurred, and are continuing to occur.

I haven’t always agreed with how @strangedays has presented his thoughts (although I have silently agreed with many of them) but do we really need to stoop to personal attacks, people)?

I would agree with Maddcow this forum isn’t usually as vitriolic as this thread has become and I am hoping that this thread will return to civility. Although I don’t silently agree with strangedays I can understand his/her frustrations to some extent: I recall my own frustrations (not as bad) when Big Sur came out.

59 (edited by Raphie 2022-12-18 09:48:40)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

Apple is unreliable, I’m not using it anymore for studiowork, but even office applications, peripherals, password caches etc break with a new update, even within the same version. The times my macbook had a security update and after the mandatory reboot all credentials were gone, app access rights revoked etc. It’s appalling. Apple doesn’t care about their 3rd pty ecosystem. Never did, never will. You can’t rely on them, they are as unreliable in that area as they come.


60 (edited by Muffin 2022-12-18 17:04:44)

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

DaveC wrote:

Wheres your outrage when he comes rolling in here crapping all over the hard-earned reputation of this brand? How come you are OK with that? All I am is Karma. He is getting what he dished out. [snip rant]

The majority of your posts have an unpleasant tone, actually, all 8 of them except one.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

I have used RME for about 10 years, and I love everything about the products, the company and most of the forum users:)
But this thread is a painful read, and I can understand DaveC:s frustration. The op opens up by telling us all that "I am getting fed up with RME" and finishes with "I think they have lost the game now." The thread evolves, but sadly it´s mostly petulant whining and misdirected entitlement from the op, which is odd to me as numerous ppl have tried their best to help...
To me, this kind of whining does not belong here, because all of us know that RME always do their best to do right by users old and new, and that this hard earned reputation is what made us RME users in the first place. If there is a problem, a bug or whatever, report it and you will not only get help from some of the best forum users in the business, you will also get help directly from RME support (Daniel) and even Mattias himself.
So if you are prone to petulant whining, perhaps call a friend and get it out of your system? Then come here and look for support.

Babyface Pro FS, MSI GS66, Studio One

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

I only signed up for the purpose of delivering Karma. That's all. The other one was a bonus on the house. I don't know what I was thinking that day. You're welcome.

Re: RME drivers and M1 processors - are you going to fix the mess?

DaveC wrote:

I only signed up for the purpose of delivering Karma. That's all. The other one was a bonus on the house. I don't know what I was thinking that day. You're welcome.

Not required here, thank you. Please refrain from trying to do so in the future.

Daniel Fuchs