1 (edited by mike G 2022-12-18 20:48:28)

Topic: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

Using the S/PDIF AES adapter on the RME Fireface UCX II, (with a S/PDIF serial cable-Not optical).

I'm trying to bus in my external FX unit via an AUX in Logic Pro 10, I did this about fifteen years ago with my M-Audio delta66 no issues.

I can't seem to send a signal to S/PDIF, the external FX unit will not show an input in the top faders.  The display on my T.C M1 shows digital, and it is set to 48 rate, which is what I'm running at in Logic.
The only input I get from S/PDIF is though software.The way it should work is: if I'm sending to channels 9/10 (which are the S/PDIF channels for the Fireface UCX II) I should see a signal in the inputs of RME's Total Mix, but I do not. I CAN send a signal using Logic's I/O plug to the AES and other channels, but again nothing comes in on the hardware top Input strips in Total Mix for all these digital connections.

to clarify
I have the T.C electronics M1 hooked to the S/PDIF I/O of the RME Fireface UCX II. I created an AUX in Logic's Pro 10 mixer, and assigned a Bus1 to the primary channel that is to receive/send to the external FX unit. But I can't seem to figure out how to go about bringing the T.C electronics M1 into the AUX. I do not see the S/PDIF input in Total Mix.

I've tried changing all the channels. What I'm not sure about is, if I'm sending out on Channel 9/10 via S/PIDIF, do I also bring the signal back in the same channels? There are no analog cabled hooked up, I never needed them with the T.C M1. I never had any issues with the Delta 66 sound card coming in an AUX in logic 5.5 back on the PC 15 years ago.

  • Mac OS Ventura

  • RME Fireface UCX II

  • T.C electronics M1 XL - multi FX unit

  • UCX II - Firmware: v39

  • UCX II - Driver: v3.28

Re: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

User manual M-One :
https://mediadl.musictribe.com/download … german.pdf

You have selected the input type Digital SPdIF as described on page 11 ?
The Fireface settings has clock source internal ?

The M-One does detect the Samplingfrequency automatic, it should work easily.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by mike G 2022-12-18 23:14:10)

Re: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

Hello waedi

Yes input type IS Optical spidif consumer and clock source is internal.

I think I found the connection issue, but this battle is not over. That is when I plugged in the spidif cable, I had originally matched red to red and white to white. I think the red's on the Fireface UCX II adapter are outputs just as the red's on the T.C are outputs, so they needed to go to the white inputs on the T.C M1.  (White to Red). So I have a signal now.

But now I'm getting a rate mismatch on the T.C M1 display. But I have thoroughly checked this in the T.C M1 I/O settings. The rate IS set to digital and 48Hz in T.C. And even on the Fireface. On the Fireface the right display shows SPDIF, but it flashes. I get an input now in the Total Mix hardware spidif meter (which is good) but it's a solid line that goes to almost 0db and the input on the T.C M1 has a clipping left meter line and the right channel is half way. I wasn't even getting that before. Again, the T.C M1 flashes on the screen that there is a rate mismatch. But all settings are set correct from Logic, to Fireface USB settings, and the T.C M1 is set to 48Hz digital in.

Re: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

When this clipping in the TC1 happens are you sending signal from Logic or is this clipping coming out of nowhere ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

5 (edited by mike G 2022-12-18 23:53:07)

Re: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

waedi wrote:

When this clipping in the TC1 happens are you sending signal from Logic or is this clipping coming out of nowhere ?

To be specific: The clipping happens when I send a signal from logic's I/O fx plugin in, in the Aux bus. When I stop everything it it hangs for a while, then drops to no signal. If there is no input source from the start, it does not clip, but the M1's screen still flashes with rate mismatch even if I shut Logic down completely.

Even if I turn off the computer, then start the M1, and do not load Logic, I get the rate mismatch on the M1 screen and the RME's right screen shows spdif blinking.

The Fireface USB settings is set to 48Hz and consumer optical spdif. But I've tried other settings.

The Fireface is set to use it's Internal clock, which is more accurate then the T.C's I'm sure. I just wondering if the Fireface clock is so much more accurate, that it's being fussy about the synchronization that the T.C is capable of.

Re: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

mike G wrote:

The rate IS set to digital and 48Hz .

In the TC1 the setting should not be set to 48 !
It has to be set to "digital" only, not 48.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

7 (edited by mike G 2022-12-19 00:05:31)

Re: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

You're a MASTER waedi

I just noticed there was a separate Clock and Input setting for Digital after you said what you did. I had to spin the knob. Don't know how I didn't see that. HUGE Thank you!!! For some reason the spin knob was pulling up a lot of the same settings as the up an down arrows so I didn't notice it.

by the way, I'm curious. In Logic's I/O plugin. Is it ok to assign the Output and Input to the same 9/10 channel? Since everything is coming in on that spdif channel? I don't think there really is any other way to route it.

Re: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

Yes it's ok to choose 9/10. It is not the same channel.
Output of Logic 9/10 is the Software Playback channel 9/10 in Totalmix
and Input 9/10 in Logic is the Hardware Input channel 9/10 in Totalmix.

The clipping in the TC1 may need a reduction of an input gain or just lower the volume in Logic of that signal.
Also check in Totalmix if you panning this signal by mistake to one side ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

9 (edited by mike G 2022-12-19 00:55:49)

Re: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

I have to be honest with you waedi
I'm lost on a lot of things. For one I get mixed up sometimes with tracing the signals paths. But Logic is doing strange things too. Like I added a send in my main channel on a vocal and and noticed some strange presets from my T.C M1 patches in the bus list. All the sudden I have all these new tracks channels that were created in logic's MIXER screen. Maybe midi automated something. Really strange. How did it make all them just from assigning a bus. I have a LOT of learning to do my friend.

Re: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

Hey Mike !
you are on the right way !
Getting lost in Logic is what everyone does.
at one point it makes sense to start a new project and try it again.
Create a send bus, connect all routings and soon you got it and all these mysterious things will disappear.
Learning by doing !
Good luck !

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

11 (edited by mike G 2022-12-19 01:58:20)

Re: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

Thanks for the positive encouragement waedi!

Here's a strange one. I have a drum sample looping so I can test something. I'm getting an output signal in my Spidif channel in the lower output channel strip of TotalMix the same strength as the software outs. And in logic's mixer, there is nothing but the drum module. So I unplugged the spidif cables and even shut the M1 off, and I'm still getting the drum output on the lower spidif out channels. What the.... I deleted all the buses in logic's mixer also just to eliminate any routing. Something in logic under the hood is routing to the spidif outs, it's crazy.

In any case, I feel like I'm moving forward. lol

12 (edited by waedi 2022-12-19 02:28:05)

Re: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

mike G wrote:

Thanks for the positive encouragement waedi!

Here's a strange one. I have a drum sample looping so I can test something. I'm getting an output signal in my Spidif channel in the lower output channel strip of TotalMix the same strength as the software outs. And in logic's mixer, there is nothing but the drum module. So I unplugged the spidif cables and even shut the M1 off, and I'm still getting the drum output on the lower spidif out channels. What the.... I deleted all the buses in logic's mixer also just to eliminate any routing. Something in logic under the hood is routing to the spidif outs, it's crazy.

In any case, I feel like I'm moving forward. lol

The drum module itself may have routing connections or keeps your previous routings active regardless of the projects mixer configuration...?
Logic also has hidden busses, the metronome for example has its own mixer channel.
In thr mixer window at the top, the last button "All" !

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

13 (edited by mike G 2022-12-19 07:06:44)

Re: Bussing in external FX via S/PDIF via Logic Pro

I was thinking about that. I know there's so many environments for different instruments, who knows what they have routed. I ended up shutting down TotalMix, and Logic, re-Opening it and everything worked as it should. I'm glad I got the T.C M1 hooked up. The reverbs, and other effects sound amazing. Logic has some great reverbs, but when you compare it to the the T.C it's night and day. The verbs sound so much more natural.