Topic: Hardware controller for TotalMix Fx

I'm looking for a hardware controller for TotalMix Fx.

I think, there are no new posts in this forum since about 2020 about this topic. Does this mean that there are good controllers also for TotalMix or do most of you run TotalMix in DAW mode and use conventional controllers?

I don't know of a single hardware controller that officially supports Totalmix Fx. Furthermore most manufacturers call their controllers only DAW controller.

I still find it difficult to get an ideal controller with motor faders that supports e.g. layout presets. Especially, the fact that TotalMix doesn't support effect sends and uses submixes instead, seems challenging to me. I suspect most controllers are not designed that way, or am I mistaken?

What have you had good experiences with? I would be interested in UF8 from SSL.

2 (edited by ramses 2022-12-24 15:14:09)

Re: Hardware controller for TotalMix Fx

Hi Alexander,

Regarding "effect send", there are two possibilities to create an effect send:
1. in the DAW by defining external FX and using the external FX as effect send (or as insert)
2. in TM FX by routing audio from HW Inputs / SW playbacks to an external FX and then adding FX (100% wet) to any monitoring output (HW output x/y) as you like.

I am currently using two Lexicon PCM (81 an 91), which are connected to AN 5/6 and 7/8 of my UFX+ for different use cases:

- both FX for my guitar amp (stereo setup)
- both FX for DAW
- mixed: PCM81 for guitar, PCM91 for DAW

This can be achieved by routing.

Regarding controllers, sorry, I can't tell. If, then I would use controllers in the DAW, not for TM FX.
But maybe you want this to use TM FX as life mixer? If I recall correctly, there was something like a life mixer application with ASIO support available. Perhaps it's easier to get controller support by using a mixer application.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Hardware controller for TotalMix Fx

ramses wrote:

Hi Alexander,

Regarding "effect send", there are two possibilities to create an effect send:
1. in the DAW by defining external FX and using the external FX as effect send (or as insert)
2. in TM FX by routing audio from HW Inputs / SW playbacks to an external FX and then adding FX (100% wet) to any monitoring output (HW output x/y) as you like.

I am currently using two Lexicon PCM (81 an 91), which are connected to AN 5/6 and 7/8 of my UFX+ for different use cases:

- both FX for my guitar amp (stereo setup)
- both FX for DAW
- mixed: PCM81 for guitar, PCM91 for DAW

This can be achieved by routing.

Regarding controllers, sorry, I can't tell. If, then I would use controllers in the DAW, not for TM FX.
But maybe you want this to use TM FX as life mixer? If I recall correctly, there was something like a life mixer application with ASIO support available. Perhaps it's easier to get controller support by using a mixer application.

Thank you very much for your answer. What you describe is all known to me. :-P

My question is if someone can recommend me a hardware controller for TotalMix Fx.

Re: Hardware controller for TotalMix Fx

In general, you seem a bit confused about how to get a control surface working with Totalmix. Total mix supports Mackie control protocol, and OSC.

There are many good Mackie control hardware surfaces with motor faders. Personally, I Love my SSL nucleus, but there are lots of more affordable ones as well. If I was starting again I like the look of the Behringer X touch range. Downside to using this approach is quite a few parameters are not supported.

If getting access to the most parameters is important to you then have a look at a touchscreen device app OSC supporting software or even try RME’s own total mix remote app for iPad, which I use at times to access functions that I can’t access via mackie control.

Paul Najar
Jaminajar Music Production

Re: Hardware controller for TotalMix Fx

Many thanks for the detailed and competent answer.

I just wanted to avoid buying a controller only to find out later that not everything (!) works as expected. Just as you wrote: "quite a few parameters are not supported".

I did some research and I'm surprised how many people use e.g. "Bome MIDI Translator" to fix problems with their DAW controller. Therefore I am grateful for any first-hand experience feedback. :-)

Re: Hardware controller for TotalMix Fx

I use Bome Midi Translator as well but not so much to access functions I couldn’t without it, but so I can can have one control surface layer address more than one software program without having to to switch control surface layers.

Most common example of this is if I’m working in my DAW (Logic) I have a couple of buttons on my CS layer that are directed to Totalmix for Dim & Mono switching.

Totalmix doesn’t have so many functions that I find I need more supported functions via Mackie Control very often. Having an old iPad laying around for those moments with Totalmix Remote (free app) set up there fills in all the gaps for me but truth be told I rarely find myself opening it. Most of why I find myself on the iPad app is when I want to move around the room with it and still have some access.

Paul Najar
Jaminajar Music Production

Re: Hardware controller for TotalMix Fx

Using a Digidesign C24, working pretty well with Total Mix, but needs the V-Control Pro Software by Neyrinck to do Mackie Control.
Old Behringer BCF2000 is working fine, but of course those have cheaper faders.

Avid S1 does not really work (also not with the Dock). While they support Mackie Control next to EUCON, there are no up and down buttons on those to switch between the rows in Total Mix (Hardware Inputs, Software Playback, Hardware Outputs).

And controlling Total Mix's Dynamics and EQ is only possible via OSC, so none of the usual DAW MIDI controllers will do this without some software in between. I think Echo/Reverb might also not be included in MIDI / Mackie Control, but I might be wrong.
I once got a Faderfox EC4 working fine to control the EQs, but its MIDI messages need to be converted to OSC data through some software (I used a Max patch, but this is probably one solution out of many for this task).

Re: Hardware controller for TotalMix Fx

To me this sounds like a useful hardware device for RME to R&D on. Slim bank of 1, 4 or 8 channels. I would find great uses to a avoid a DAW program for mixing my live and recording setup with none of the issues of repatching OSC commands etc.