Topic: No Madi input after firmware update

I have an RME  MADIFACE, intel-Macbook pro 15" (early 2008) OSX 10.5.5.
Yesterday, I updated the firmware with v.2.13, and driver 2.65.
After the update, I no longer receive MADI input from Studer Vista 8. I can still send out the MADIFACE via MADI to the studer.
Confirmed Studer is outputting Madi, opt & coax.
Confirmed MADIFACE is receiving MADI from another source (RME MADI Bridge, in a different recording truck), and also if I loop MADIFACE's in and out together.

Is there a difference in MADI "flavor" from RME and STUDER??

Or some other thoughts?

Everything seemed to work fine before updates...


Re: No Madi input after firmware update


what means 'no longer receive MADI input'? State in Settings dialog/clocks? Or only audio as in TotalMix? Card has been switched off in-between?

Matthias Carstens

Re: No Madi input after firmware update

Hello Matthias,
By that I meant the HDSPe Settings window states that there is no lock, or sync, as if I did not connect an input to the MADIFACE.
There is no meter indication in TOTALMIX either.
I did a total shut down of laptop, even removed the card for a few moments after I did the Flash Firmware update.
I shut down several more times when I discovered the loss of signal to MADIFACE,with the same results.

The first attempt at firmware update resulted in "failure".
The second attempt was"successful". Complete shutdown inbetween update attempts.
I tried to follow the driver update instructions exactly, but deleted the following files before running updater:

- /System/Library/Extensions/HDSPMADI.kext
- /Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers/HDSP MADI MIDI.plugin
- Programs/Hammerfall DSP Settings
- Programs/Hammerfall DSP Mixer

Perhaps that messed up the update?

Thanks for your reply,