1 (edited by poseRME 2023-01-30 23:27:25)

Topic: Eject Fireface UCX II

Hi folks,

I'm an owner of the Fireface UCX II interface a couple of months now and i'm very satisfied with the product.
I have some questions, so here is one of them which i could not resolve by googling.

In my taskbar (show hidden icon) i have my Fireface USB settings and my Total Mix settings, however i also have a classic USB "Safely remove hardwar and Eject Media" icon and if i click on it the only thing on the lsit i see is "Eject Fireface UCX II" followed by an 8-digit number in brackets.

Does anyone know how to hide/remove this?
There is no need to eject my fireface interface nor will i ever do it and even if i click on that an error msg will appear that the device is already in use.


EDIT: Forgot to mention that the operating system is Windows 10 Pro and i have the latest drivers


Re: Eject Fireface UCX II

You can not remove that and it also does not make much sense to remove it. The UCX II IS a 'removable' USB device. You might be able to hide that symbol behind the chevron by changing the taskbar settings. But I haven't tried that.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Eject Fireface UCX II

Thanks for the response
