Topic: Sample Rate Error

I just bought a new DA converter and have designated it the master clock for my system.  It is connected via Word Clock cable to my Fireface 802.  I am getting an error in the Settings app that shows that although the master clock is setting a sample rate of 48kHz (which the settings app is recognizing as such under the Input Status), under the Clock Mode section the "Sample Rate" is red, and the box next to it shows 44.1kHz and is grayed out so I can't change it.  Any ideas on how I can fix this?

2 (edited by waedi 2023-02-03 03:28:46)

Re: Sample Rate Error

The Fireface's word clock input is active when a valid word clock signal is present. Page 42 user manual.
There is no issue, it works as expected.
As you want the other DAC be master clock then simply do nothing.
All is fine.
The sample rate is to set in the master device and the slave has to take this for sync.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: Sample Rate Error

The sample rate setting is greyed out because at least ASIO is currently running. If you want to change the setting to match (which you should) make sure no audio software is active.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Sample Rate Error

Hi MC, thank you for your reply but I need some clarification.  Right now my computer system’s sound output is set to go via USB to my DA converter for playback, and the input is set to feed from the 802’s Analog 1&2.  My DAW is set to ASIO Fireface USB (my 802), which then feeds the DA converter via AES, and also connects via WC (802 is slave).
Is what you are saying that if I have my DAW open at 44.1kHz and I also have Spotify open in my computer at 48kHz, that the 802 will pick up the 48 instead of the 44.1, so  I need to close Spotify in order for all the system to synch and lock to 44.1?
I appreciate your help!