Topic: Interface unique names

Hi there,
I keep coming up against an issue with my workflow and the way RME interfaces are given a unique name by the driver.

I frequently have two identical computer systems running dual redundant for live performance, using identical RME interfaces.

However, when I transfer an updated file between the main and backup computers, the interface and any MIDI commands need to be re-linked on the backup computer.

This is because the interface name has a number suffix on the end (I think this is the serial number of the unit?). This would be very useful behaviour if I had more than one interface simultaneously connected to a computer, but I don't.
Is there any way for this string to be ignored by the driver and just call it 'RME FireFace 802' or 'RME UFX' etc?

During busy rehearsal periods, I am updating the files on both machines several times a day, so you can imagine it gets quite tedious having to do this every time.
