1 (edited by nicolas.loncle 2023-02-09 11:35:26)

Topic: RME 802 Firewire issues / WIN 7 64

Hello there and everyone,

I'm new here since I've never been annoyed by my 802 until now (my fault).

Shortly let me explain the issue. I'm working under Win 7 64 / 64ram / I9 Intel / TI Fw PCI card
For some dumb reasons, I went on cleaning a repertory in system 32 called somewhat Driverstore or Driverinst, I don't know precisely. This location stores every installations you could do on your PC. So I cleaned the whole "RME history" in order to launch a fresh driver installation.

Once I wished to relaunch a FW driver installation, the driver says to me : installation not done, not possible (I barely translate I'm french :-).
Of course my TI FW card is fully operational (I didn't touch anything here) and my issue is like if I had erased a software layer between the 802 and the FW section. This could explain the "non recognition" of the driver.
So I had to move on USB which works great also but I rather stay on FW, as the FW card keeps in charge a part of the processings.

Please, if a RME administrator could get me a good advice about this mess, I'd be very grateful...


Re: RME 802 Firewire issues / WIN 7 64

Your Firewire card does not do any "processing"...
Which driver exactly are you trying to install here and how so?

Daniel Fuchs

Re: RME 802 Firewire issues / WIN 7 64

Hello Daniel,

Yes processing is not the good description, I meant that the FW card is not cpu dependant as the USB connection.

I'm trying to simply reinstall the "fw_win_3125 driver" for Win 7. But it marks : installation failed.