Topic: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

Just installed and when i turn on Cubase 12, driver is missing.
Hardware itself is active, everything works fine in W10.
Rolled back to 1.224, everything works fine as before.

Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

It seems 1.225 was removed


Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

Sorry for the inconvenience. Windows USB driver 1.225 had to be withdrawn as changes to the system directories required by MS caused ASIO to no longer work. We have to examine and fix that before it will be available again.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

MC wrote:

Sorry for the inconvenience. Windows USB driver 1.225 had to be withdrawn as changes to the system directories required by MS caused ASIO to no longer work. We have to examine and fix that before it will be available again.

Understood. It's good it's sorted out quickly.
Honestly, this is the first time i ran into trouble with your drivers for 16 years, so no need to say sorry. smile


Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

Same here , thanks for ongoing support . It is such a great device


Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

Driver 1.227 is now available for testing. It solves the ASIO compatibility issue on our systems with those 4 known (and any unknown) programs. Please give it a try: …

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

MC wrote:

Driver 1.227 is now available for testing. It solves the ASIO compatibility issue on our systems with those 4 known (and any unknown) programs. Please give it a try: …

All fine now, thanks! smile

Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

I think version 1227 is bad.

Today I updated UCX II FW and also driver to 1227. No Fireface ASIO device were recognizable by other sw from that moment. Only WDM device.
Reboots and so on not helped at all.

After returning back to 1224 (I had to install it 2x and reboot) everything started to work again.

Windows 10 21H1 last updated in January.

Such problem happened for the first time for me.

I updated before also latest madiface driver and this seems to work.

ADI-2 DAC, Digiface USB, Fireface UCXII, ARC USB, Neumann MA1 aligned monitors

Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

same thing, no Fireface ASIO device were recognizable by Cubase 12, Wavelab 11; Dorico 4.
Oddly enough, yesterday after installing 1.227 everything seemed to work for me. ????

W11, UCX II, Cubase 14 Pro, Dorico 5, WaveLab 12

Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

I reinstalled 1.227, restarted the computer, and was able to select Asio Fireface USB again for Cubase 12, WaveLab 11, Dorico 4.

W11, UCX II, Cubase 14 Pro, Dorico 5, WaveLab 12


Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

Indeed the path changes in the registry seem to be a bit unusual with driver installer 1.227. They require either to reboot, or to unplug/replug the device after the driver installation,  then reboot.

Hopefully once this is done it won't happen again with later driver updates.

Matthias Carstens

12 (edited by Elf 2023-05-06 12:49:06)

Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

Elf wrote:

Just installed and when i turn on Cubase 12, driver is missing.
Hardware itself is active, everything works fine in W10.
Rolled back to 1.224, everything works fine as before.

This is happening again with the latest driver 1.243.

Any info about the problem?


Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

Works here. Make sure to perform a complete cold boot. Windows Fast Start might interfere here.

Matthias Carstens


Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

MC wrote:

Works here. Make sure to perform a complete cold boot. Windows Fast Start might interfere here.

Ok, i did it yesterday only with regular windows restart, but now i did it with cold boot. I’ll wait and write back after a day of work. Last time it was a driver problem and that was solved, but i hope this time it was only me.


Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

Elf wrote:
MC wrote:

Works here. Make sure to perform a complete cold boot. Windows Fast Start might interfere here.

Ok, i did it yesterday only with regular windows restart, but now i did it with cold boot. I’ll wait and write back after a day of work. Last time it was a driver problem and that was solved, but i hope this time it was only me.

So far, so good after cold boot. If problem occurs again, i’ll report back here.
Thanks again!

Re: [Solved] Fireface UC 1.225 driver problem

Aha, well thanks for clearing that up! Wouldn't have assumed that "restart" would employ a "fast start".
...and didn't ever had this problem with the previous driver version updates - but then again, I didn't do any since moving to Windows 11...