Topic: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

This is the second - and third - firmware update for the ADI-2/4 Pro SE, for the first update see here: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=36463

The DSP firmware has now been updated from 29 to 30 to 31 to address several issues reported in this forum. Here is the list of fixes and changes with some explanations.

- Bug fix rear TRS set to 3/4 is no longer muted when Ph1/2 is plugged in. This was a missing differentiation in the mute logic for this new functionality (rear TRS 3/4). We also fixed another issue here which might have caused further confusion.

- Bug fix DC detection on Line Out 1/2 affected Balanced Phones output via Pentaconn - which is Ph3/4, so it should not  influence it at all.

- Bug fix some remote commands were shifted by one (initiating the wrong command) when Dual Volume mode is active.

- Improved: Dual Volume mode, activated via VOL and leaving the Dual Volume screen by a different key, is now sticky until it is exit in the same way - using the VOL menu and leaving it with the VOL key. Advantage: VOLUME press (toggle mode on the unit) and SEL press on the remote no longer disable the Dual Volume mode. Instead multiple presses include that mode now.

For fixes in DSP 31 see post 11 below.

The firmware update tools:

Win: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_madiface_win.zip

Mac: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_madiface_mac.zip

Known bugs in 70/31 still to fix:
- Crossfeed is inactive on Line Out 1/2

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Fantastic! Will update and report back later.

No current fix for the "stuck" Source mentioned at the end here:


BTW what's the best way for us to submit bug reports, is just posting on this forum the preferred way, or another?

LOVING my 2/4 after two months!


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Babaluma wrote:

No current fix for the "stuck" Source mentioned at the end here:


You mean this one:
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 10#p197710

(You can click on the posting‘s date to copy it‘s direct link, instead of linking to the whole thread.)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Yep, hope it will be fixed, it's a bit annoying as it is!

Tried new firmware today, all seems good so far!


5 (edited by KaiS 2023-02-16 02:31:20)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Although still on V.29 today, I report a problem that is not mentioned to be fixed in V.30:

• DAC Mode.
• SPDIF Optical AND USB connected.

I can not switch between inputs under “I/O / Main Output 1/2 / AD/DA Source“, the selection is greyed out.
Oprical is selected automatically.

This should NOT be the case for DAC-mode.
In ADI-2 Pro it works as intended.

6 (edited by Babaluma 2023-02-16 07:21:00)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Yeah this is the same problem I found recently, please fix!

For good news, I updated to 30 and checked, and my VU meter (on Out 3/4) is now working again with phones plugged in to Phones 1/2, so that is definitely fixed!



Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

KaiS wrote:

Although still on V.29 today, I report a problem that is not mentioned to be fixed in V.30:

• DAC Mode.
• SPDIF Optical AND USB connected.

I can not switch between inputs under “I/O / Main Output 1/2 / AD/DA Source“, the selection is greyed out.
Oprical is selected automatically.

This should NOT be the case for DAC-mode.
In ADI-2 Pro it works as intended.

On my ADI-2/4 it works. There must be an additional condition triggering this. I only get it with 'Toggle All plugged' active and then plugged Phones 3/4 or 1/2. Plugging Pentaconn works.

As the clock indicator shows there is a simple error - the input is unintended switched (to optical), additionally to switching the outputs.

Matthias Carstens

8 (edited by KaiS 2023-02-16 14:38:55)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

MC wrote:
KaiS wrote:

Although still on V.29 today, I report a problem that is not mentioned to be fixed in V.30:

• DAC Mode.
• SPDIF Optical AND USB connected.

I can not switch between inputs under “I/O / Main Output 1/2 / AD/DA Source“, the selection is greyed out.
Oprical is selected automatically.

This should NOT be the case for DAC-mode.
In ADI-2 Pro it works as intended.

On my ADI-2/4 it works. There must be an additional condition triggering this. I only get it with 'Toggle All plugged' active and then plugged Phones 3/4 or 1/2. Plugging Pentaconn works.

As the clock indicator shows there is a simple error - the input is unintended switched (to optical), additionally to switching the outputs.

I’m not sure that this answer is addressed to this question.
Anyway, I will update FW and check and report again.


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

We have been working on fixing the remaining bugs with DAC mode (see above), Toggle mode, channel assignment and control via the respective settings pages, control differences for unbalanced/balanced mode, Loopback indication in Status overview, and DC detection calculation's channel assignment. Yep, found a lot of small quirks. Next firmware DSP 31 will be released in a few days and should fix any known plus publicly still unkown bugs.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

MC wrote:

We have been working on fixing the remaining bugs with DAC mode (see above), Toggle mode, channel assignment and control via the respective settings pages, control differences for unbalanced/balanced mode, Loopback indication in Status overview, and DC detection calculation's channel assignment. Yep, found a lot of small quirks. Next firmware DSP 31 will be released in a few days and should fix any known plus publicly still unkown bugs.

Fantastic news! The "stuck" Optical source (unable to switch to USB with headphones) has been very frustrating recently.



Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Version FPGA 70 DSP 31 is now available for download. I tried to keep the description of the fixes understandable, but they are partly so complicated to describe that the description of the respective settings would be just too much. Note that there was  more fixed than the text seems to say.

Of course we hope that we got all issues fixed, and that the unit now behaves fully logical and as expected, so that suggestions like Kai's additional settings page for the rear 3/4 (which we really don't want to add) are no longer necessary.

From the readme:

Bug fix DAC Mode: In certain situations the SPDIF input was permanently selected. Toggle Phones/Line modes: Several errors in assignment and function fixed. Some parameters of the settings of Phones Out 1/2 and 3/4 were not assigned correctly. Balanced mode Pentaconn: Some wrong assignments fixed. Loopback display in Status Overview screen did not work with Out 3/4. Assignment of the volume-dependent DC warning threshold of Ph 1/2 corrected.

Matthias Carstens

12 (edited by KaiS 2023-02-21 16:27:45)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

FW V.31

Rear TRS Source: Ph. 3/4.

• Having 4 individual destinations (using one at a time):
- 2 different headphones at the front, 
- 2 different amps at the back.
Individual switching of all front/back parameters of Channel 1/2 AND 3/4, by either plugging ‘phones to the front and/or toggling in the menu.

This works as intended for Channel 1/2 with the settings “Mute v. Ph 1/2”, or “Toggle Ph/Line 1/2”.

But– it does not for Channel 3/4.
Plugging PH3/4 affects Channel 1/2 when Mute v. Ph 3/4 is On, but doesn’t switch Channel 3/4 parameters.

There are configurations where this makes sense, but not for the above.
Currently “Rear TRS Source: Ph. 3/4”. is still not treating Rear TRS as a full blown extra output.
I think you won’t come away without adding extra menu entries of some kind for 3/4 switching conditions.

E.g. adding settings options like this, that only appear if “Rear TRS Source: Ph. 3/4” is active:

“Mute v. Ph 1/2”: 1/2, 3/4, Both
“Mute v. Ph 3/4”: 1/2, 3/4, Both

Or maybe more elegant:

“Mute v. Ph 1/2”: 1/2, Both
“Mute v. Ph 3/4”: 3/4, Both

I actually don’t see where the improvement or change is, relative to FW V.29, regarding this, but can’t check agaist it now.

2. This one is (still there)SOLVED, see below:

Toggle Ph/Line “1/2” does only work if:
Toggle Ph/Line “Line/Digit.” is selected once.

After a power cycle Toggle Ph/Line “1/2” again does not work until “Line/Digit.” has been selected.


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

KaiS wrote:

FW V.31

2. This one is still there:

Toggle Ph/Line “1/2” does only work if:
Toggle Ph/Line “Line/Digit.” is selected once.

After a power cycle Toggle Ph/Line “1/2” again does not work until “Line/Digit.” has been selected.

This one works for me in normal and DAC mode, and also after power cycle.

If you can't find the setting that enables this error you might reset the unit, maybe some faulty setting from earlier firmware is still active that prevents correct behaviour.

Matthias Carstens

14 (edited by KaiS 2023-02-21 16:14:31)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

MC wrote:
KaiS wrote:

FW V.31

2. This one is still there:

Toggle Ph/Line “1/2” does only work if:
Toggle Ph/Line “Line/Digit.” is selected once.

After a power cycle Toggle Ph/Line “1/2” again does not work until “Line/Digit.” has been selected.

This one works for me in normal and DAC mode, and also after power cycle.

If you can't find the setting that enables this error you might reset the unit, maybe some faulty setting from earlier firmware is still active that prevents correct behaviour.

OK, this part works now, even without reset, just some back and forth switching and plugging ‘phones.


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

That sounds good. Regarding the other one: we never intended to make a full 'four outputs individually configurable' solution. The rear TRS as 3/4 is typically used not only for a minute but in a fixed setup, long time, so there is no need to reconfigure the headphone values to linear back and forth all the time. One would use Ph1/2 in such a setup in case Phones is needed as well. Plus Balanced  and Pentaconn are hard wired to 3/4, so there are limitations that can't be removed. Plus more and separated options for rear TRTS 3/4 are very complicated to implement and challenge the available code memory left.

So that won't happen, sorry.

Matthias Carstens

16 (edited by KaiS 2023-02-22 00:51:56)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

MC wrote:

...more and separated options for rear TRTS 3/4 are very complicated to implement..

Maybe at least the option to mute Rear TRS 3/4 only (not Line 1/2) when plugging PH3/4 and possibly remembering the Volume settings of Front / Rear to avoid annoyances smile ?

“Mute v. Ph 3/4”: 1/2, 3/4, Both


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Looks easy and simple. But it isn't. These new states would directly affect and must cooperate with all available auto modes and toggle modes, with both relay mute and DAC mute states. They are not isolated, easy to implement additions...

Matthias Carstens

18 (edited by Babaluma 2023-02-27 10:46:53)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Had a headphone listening session with my 2/4, just wanted to report that the previous "stuck Optical input" bug is indeed now fixed, and the Source follows whatever I choose on the remote. Very happy, as that was the only bug I was experiencing. Thanks to everyone for all the help on these forums and to RME for the fast firmware update fixes!


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Firmware ADI-2/4 Pro SE V0.31:

In the VOL-page a press on Encoder 2 centers Balance for Out 3/4, but not for Line or Phones Out 1/2.


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

The other way around - Line Out works. Thanks.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

MC wrote:

The other way around - Line Out works. Thanks.

True, after re-checking this morning, strange I mixed it?!

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Hello, I hope this is the right place to ask this, I just recieved my ADI-2/4 Pro SE today and I updated it smoothly it shows as:

ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (Hw Rev 6): FPGA 72, DSP 36
ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (Hw Rev 7): FPGA 209, DSP 36

I must have the rev 6 Hardware as it only updated to FPGA 72...

My question is, what is in the newer HW rev7? That is different to mine? What was added / changed?



Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

See ChangeLog in the zip archive of the fut utility.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Thanks, excuse my ignorances as I'm brand new to RME but it doesn't mention what is the HARDWARE differences between a rev6 HW model and a rev7 HW model. Or am I missing something?

25 (edited by ramses 2023-10-21 04:21:13)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

TeeBone2000 wrote:

Thanks, excuse my ignorances as I'm brand new to RME but it doesn't mention what is the HARDWARE differences between a rev6 HW model and a rev7 HW model. Or am I missing something?

I didn't look, but that would be the place where something might have been documented, from what you can see in this file.
Probably only a minor adjustment in terms of component availability.
Otherwise, you would have to wait and see if RME can tell you something about it here or write a mail to support.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Ok Thank you! I will wait and see if RME can answer this here. Hopefully they will see this. Thanks again.

27 (edited by KaiS 2023-10-21 13:13:06)

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

There was a note from @MC somewhere in this forum about a changed FPGA due to the obsolescence of the former.

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 16#p200616

From the user side this change is irrelevant.


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31


Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Ah Brilliant. Thanks guys!

Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

RME ADI-2/4 PRO SE + ABYSS AB1266 PHI TC test.

My name is ABDOULAYE DIAGNE, I am writing to you from Senegal in Dakar.
I am responsible for the NTH Company, I am a maintenance technician in maritime electronics, I work personally as a service provider, and am passionate about hifi audio systems.

I follow the evolution of headphones, headphone amps and DACs very closely.

As the Abyss ab1266 phi tc headphones are only compatible with its dedicated amplifier the xi audio formula s and xi audio powerman.

I would like to know if you have seen or anyone tested the abyss ab1266 phi tc + dac amp RME ADI-2/4 PRO SE headset, using the symmetrical pentacon 4.4mm connection of the adi-2/4 pro se which delivers 4w rms power, and the 2 XLR balanced output of the adi-2/4 pro se which is used for the speakers?



Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

The ADI-2/4 Pro SE has no problem to drive the Abyss AB1266 Phi TC. Using the original balanced cable just get an XLR 4-pole to Pentaconn adapter.

Matthias Carstens


Re: Firmware Update ADI-2/4 Pro SE, (FPGA 70) DSP30 / 31

Yes, send it in for checking (Audio AG). BTW, this is not the thread for such a topic. BTW 2, I confirmed that it should have around 290 kHz on both XLR outputs.

Matthias Carstens