Topic: UFX midi light flashing


I am using the UFX with the pulse 16, via ADAT, and midi for remote controlling the the pulse 16, all is working fine and seamlessly clock locked, to internal of the RME UFX 48htz

Also midi from the UFX is working fine, sinks with the pulse fine.

The only thing is the midi in and out lights are flashing on the RME UFX when in use is this a bug, should i ignore it, and is this normal.

Can i do something to stop it from flashing apart from closing the software,

on another note if i use a midi synth controller with the RME UFX the lights stay on with  no constant flashing

All the latest driver/firmware on both units

Thanks in advance

Re: UFX midi light flashing
Page 43 last text part is interesting for this issue.
Flashing lights seems to be normal. I would ignore it.
The Midi controller probably is sending CCs all the time so the flashing appears to be a constant light.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UFX midi light flashing

Thanks for the answer

it does seem a little out of place to see the unit midi lights flashing like that but the functioning of the units are working as should