Topic: 3 RME devices together?
I already own an 802 Fireface, slaved to an OctaMic II. This is the only way I can get these devices to work together. I'm in search of more outputs. I have seen a video on adding two FF 800's to each other, and I think I can work that with the 802 and a secondhand 800. These 800's are way more common here than an ADI-8. Has anyone here put two Firewire RME devices together and also an 8 channel RME device via ADAT? Since they would all use the same driver, it should work in theory. The 800 would load it's last settings as the 802 does. I'm on a PC and I've tried other ADATS and it's hopeless. I need an RME device and I don't have 3K spare! Thank you.