Topic: FF800 unlinked during recording, now boots only with red host light

hello all,
accidently the FW cable was untethered during a recording session
now my FF800 only comes up with the red host light on
total mix nor fireface settings software does anything if i click on them

i tried:
another fw800 port
another fw800 cable
another fw400 cable
another computer
installing drivers again
to no avail, situation stays the same ; the FF800 is not recognized by the computer

if i connect another / spare FF800 using the same cable and using the same computer/card everything works as normal
(so i don't think there's something wrong on the computer side)

could this be resolved by installing a new power supply ?


Re: FF800 unlinked during recording, now boots only with red host light

Most probably the 800's FireWire input is damaged. That needs repair in our factory.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by upplift 2023-03-18 17:21:40)

Re: FF800 unlinked during recording, now boots only with red host light

grosse danke mattias

j von belgien