1 (edited by ecstatic_sutherland 2020-10-13 22:32:06)

Topic: Stand-Alone control of Fireface UCX, using only Note/CC MIDI messages


The manual for Fireface UCX mentions, in 28.6 Stand-Alone MIDI Control, that some standard MIDI functions can be used, in addition to the Mackie Control protocol, for Stand-Alone MIDI operation. Can these standard MIDI functions be used without the Mackie protocol? For instance, can I use a MIDI controller like a Launch Control XL to control Fireface UCX, in Stand-Alone mode?

I don't have a Mackie-compatible device, but I would like to control the faders and pans of the first and third row, muting and unmuting of input channels, and choosing routing destinations/submixes.

If this is possible, what Note/CC messages should I send to control the faders?

I tried to use the CC commands from 28.5. I tried to control the first fader (Mic 1 in the Hardware Inputs section) by sending CC 102 over MIDI channels 2-4, to no effect. In what circumstances can these be used?

CC 102 over MIDI channel 1 adjusts the first fader when Fireface UCX is connected to TotalMix, but I don't want to have to use TotalMix.

CC 7 over MIDI channel 1, adjusts the main volume fader, and works whether or not Firefacer UCX connected to TotalMix.

Thank you! smile


Re: Stand-Alone control of Fireface UCX, using only Note/CC MIDI messages

28.5 is not valid for stand-alone mode. Did you enable MIDI for stand-alone mode? If so use the simple Mackie MIDI notes with max velocity. For faders etc you need to use the Mackie protocol completely.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Stand-Alone control of Fireface UCX, using only Note/CC MIDI messages

MC wrote:

28.5 is not valid for stand-alone mode. Did you enable MIDI for stand-alone mode? If so use the simple Mackie MIDI notes with max velocity. For faders etc you need to use the Mackie protocol completely.

I am having the same problem with UCX and TotalMix. Stand-alone mode is not working with the MIDI settings, nor even with Mackie Control Protocol settings as configured with MIDI.

I have tried CC 104 for input AN3 according to section 28.5 of the manual, and now here the administrator is saying that section 28.5 has no bearing on the stand-alone mode, which means that the only part of the manual that spells out which CC parameters control the faders ("16 Controller numbers are used: 102 up to 117") is not applicable. That is very frustrating.

But fine, I just want it to work in standalone mode. So, because the fact that the UCX manual has no implementation chart for the Mackie Control Protocol, I found some information with a Google search. As per 28.6 "Element: Channel faders 1 – 8; Meaning in Fireface: volume" and according to the Mackie Control MIDI Map I found here - http://www.jjlee.com/qlab/Mackie%20Cont … %20Map.pdf - fader 3 corresponds to channel 3, Pitch Wheel so I set my MIDI mixer fader to channel 3, Pitch Wheel and it works when the UCX is connected to the computer. Then in TotalMix I execute command Options > Store Current State into Device and save the snapshot etc. then disconnect the UCX from the computer and set the UCX to standalone mode ('CC'). At that point, the fader no longer works.

I also tried setting my MIDI controller fader to the "fader touch 3" - assigning MIDI note A# 7 which corresponds to note value 118 - in addition to the Pitch Wheel. This seems to make no difference at all; ch. 3 Pitch Wheel or CC 104 work when connected, but nothing works truly "stand-alone".

Re: Stand-Alone control of Fireface UCX, using only Note/CC MIDI messages

oiartsun wrote:

[...]As per 28.6 "Element: Channel faders 1 – 8; Meaning in Fireface: volume" and according to the Mackie Control MIDI Map I found here - http://www.jjlee.com/qlab/Mackie%20Cont … %20Map.pdf - fader 3 corresponds to channel 3, Pitch Wheel so I set my MIDI mixer fader to channel 3, Pitch Wheel and it works when the UCX is connected to the computer. Then in TotalMix I execute command Options > Store Current State into Device and save the snapshot etc. then disconnect the UCX from the computer and set the UCX to standalone mode ('CC'). At that point, the fader no longer works.

Update: I called RME customer service by phone this morning. The representative said I need to set the UCX to the Profile that I stored the current state into, then set the UCX to that profile, not 'CC' mode (which is supposed to just be for use with the app).

The UCX still only responds to MIDI when the it is connected; even after I story the current state of TotalMix into a Profile, and my MIDI device is using Mackie Control Protocol implementation (fader 3 = channel 3, pitch wheel), the fader only works when the interface is in communication with the host and stand-alone mode is frozen in the state when it was last connected, not responsive to changes sent over MIDI.

Re: Stand-Alone control of Fireface UCX, using only Note/CC MIDI messages

Did you ever found out ?