It had to do with total mix. Had the AES routed from the ufx2 to the Adi. Using the Adi inputs as my record recording setup.
AES was routed to my monitors to listen to my master. Along with the headphone out of the Adi.
In total mix I couldn’t assign both the AES as headphone and stereo out at the same time. (Faders) I had to use the physical volume knob on the Adi. I use the ARC for this usually to adjust levels.
The fix was making snapshots of both monitor setups and flipping between them.
Some people had no problem with it but I found it totally annoying.
It should be seamless. Killed my brain figuring it out. Or why you could just have both.
I thought I had missed something but then was told here on the forum about the snapshot method.
It’s been 6 month or more that I just don’t use it. Turned me right off.
I also have a UFX+ with m32 ad/da madi setup. Very familiar with RME.