Topic: Babyface Pro FS / guitar modeler clocking question

Hey guys!  I’m about to purchase a Babyface Pro FS and I have a question about sending a clock signal to another device. I’ve got a Fractal Audio FM9 guitar modeler that will only detect an external clock signal from its SPDIF RCA style inputs but the Babyface seems to only send a clock signal via the ADAT ports.  Will using an optical to RCA converter box in anyway affect the clocking with these two devices?  If so, do you guys have any creative workarounds for this?  Thank you so much for your time!


2 (edited by waedi 2023-04-07 17:28:06)

Re: Babyface Pro FS / guitar modeler clocking question

Something like this will do the job … igital.htm

the workaround would be : just use analog connections between Babyface and guitar modeler

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: Babyface Pro FS / guitar modeler clocking question

Holy moses - original price in China 5 Euros, I am sure...

The fact that Lindy dos not explicitely state support for 192 kHz convinces me that they use slower TOSLINKs for 96 kHz only. But for 60 bucks I expect full 192 kHz operation. Plus a free Pina Colada on top!

Matthias Carstens