Topic: Is there a way to tell if my Babyface Pro FS is AKM or ESS?

Is there a way to tell if my Babyface Pro FS is AKM or ESS?
The serial number is 73006966
The purchase date is 09/21/2020
I love RME products


Re: Is there a way to tell if my Babyface Pro FS is AKM or ESS?

The first ESS units arrived 3 months ago, so...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Is there a way to tell if my Babyface Pro FS is AKM or ESS?

Thank you!

Re: Is there a way to tell if my Babyface Pro FS is AKM or ESS?

Let me rephrase the question: is there a way to tell the production date from the BFP serial number?


Re: Is there a way to tell if my Babyface Pro FS is AKM or ESS?


Matthias Carstens

Re: Is there a way to tell if my Babyface Pro FS is AKM or ESS?


Re: Is there a way to tell if my Babyface Pro FS is AKM or ESS?

Hi! Maybe bringing this up from the past, but I'm also curious -- are the converter chips still ESS in my Babyface Pro FS? The serial number is 73036460.


Re: Is there a way to tell if my Babyface Pro FS is AKM or ESS?

Hi all.
Time to add babyface pro fs to my adi2 pro.
And new old question.
How to check DAC CHIP by serial number.
Matthias please…

Re: Is there a way to tell if my Babyface Pro FS is AKM or ESS?

I have my Baby:)
Serial 73038050.
What inside?

Re: Is there a way to tell if my Babyface Pro FS is AKM or ESS?

Try to open the knob cap carefully...