1 (edited by harmamusic 2023-04-09 13:58:48)

Topic: [Solved] BBFP FS Output volume lower and in/output leds clipping

I've just started with reamping and capturing amp heads. I'm using an RME FF400 on a Windows 10 PC and a Babyface Pro FS on a Macbook Pro M1.
Because I noticed there were feedback issues when connecting the amps on very low volume levels I opted to reset both devices via TotalMix. After that I had no issues with feedback anymore and I've routed/connected both devices via ADAT.

So on the FF400 I can set Phones to HiGain and it's quite loud. So no issues on the FF400.
On the BBFP FS there's no Phones to HiGain option somehow. I've been able to get a good loud signal from the BBFP before the Total Mix reset, but it somehow has a lower output now and the output led starts to clip more quickly.
I've searched the manuals and checked all the settings but I can't remember what setting(s) influence this.
I have my Headphones configured as main output.

I'm probably overlooking something but i'd appreciate any input!

Re: [Solved] BBFP FS Output volume lower and in/output leds clipping

Do you record the amp with a microphone ?
In Totalmix the input channel has a gain knob have you opened it again after the reset ?
May be you just have to give more gain on the mic ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by harmamusic 2023-04-09 17:44:07)

Re: [Solved] BBFP FS Output volume lower and in/output leds clipping

No I record with a Suhr Reactive Load. I just noticed that the headphone volume of the BBFP is now less (loud) than the FF400. It’s when auditioning the recorded parts that the output volume of the BBFP is lower. So is there an equivalent of the HiGain Phones setting in the TotalMix of the FF400 for the BBFP?

4 (edited by ramses 2023-04-09 17:55:21)

Re: [Solved] BBFP FS Output volume lower and in/output leds clipping

The different products have different phones outputs.
Not all have different volume- (reference-) levels.

Check the manual, see technical information.
If an analog output has different output- (reference-) levels, then it is documented there.

The BBF Pro has two phones outputs, where the one with the bigger plug has the higher volume, check manual.
TotalMix FX has not a dedicated volume per phones channels, there you operate the volume for both outputs.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

5 (edited by harmamusic 2023-04-09 18:46:43)

Re: [Solved] BBFP FS Output volume lower and in/output leds clipping

As mentioned I checked the manual and I tried all the settings. I don’t understand why the output volume on the larger headphone output has been reduced? Maybe it’s just that the FF400 has a much higher output compared to the BBFP?


Re: [Solved] BBFP FS Output volume lower and in/output leds clipping

The BF Pro is a bus powered device and needs to save current. Output level in volts is about 6 dB lower. Those levels are clearly mentioned in the Tech Specs of the manuals.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] BBFP FS Output volume lower and in/output leds clipping

MC wrote:

The BF Pro is a bus powered device and needs to save current. Output level in volts is about 6 dB lower. Those levels are clearly mentioned in the Tech Specs of the manuals.

I found the information, thanks for pointing me to that. No problem, I now routed TotalMix via ADAT so I can also monitor the BBPF headphones out on my FF400. wink