Topic: UFX+ Disconnects on Ventura MacStudioM1Ultra via Thunderbolt


Is anyone having drop outs with the UFX+ on Ventura?

I could be doing anything or nothing, listening to music or trying to mix in Pro Tools, the machine is 1 week old as I purchased it to work on a new project.
On my intel Mac from 2019 I have never had issues with drop outs besides some GUI goofiness.

I started using Mac Studio M1 Ultra and connect with UFX+ via thunderbolt connection. The Mac randomly loses it, out of the blue disconnects from the UFX+ while I believe that it's still connected to the driver (the white light on the unit).

An Off/On will return the UFX+ to "available".

Not great at all, in pro tools I've not been able to work properly as I am greeted with "audio interface disconnected..." message quite frequently.

1.70 Total Mix
1.21 RME Thunderbolt Settings
Firmware v110

I spent a few hours with Apple support on the phone just to create a log and have them look at it, as no doubt it's on their side, but still who is this happening to ...\


Re: UFX+ Disconnects on Ventura MacStudioM1Ultra via Thunderbolt

I have disconnects to UFX+ on Ventura and M1 Mac via thunderbolt.

For me everything boots up fine with all the settings and total mix accessible;

Then out of the blue and no notification or any kind of log that I can see the Mac drops the connection,

In device manager the fireface is greyed out and the title bar for total mix says disconnected.

If I switch the UFX back onto my intel Mac this does not happen and the the connections stays on.

I’ve talked to Jeff Peterson about it, emailed RME support, spent a few hours with Apple senior tech on the phone but to no avail, nothing prevents the disconnects from happening.

I am about to order a new cable but I doubt that is the problem as the connection will stay on and rock solid via tv to intel Mac as I said.

Any tips?


Re: UFX+ Disconnects on Ventura MacStudioM1Ultra via Thunderbolt

I understand your frustration, but that does not justify posting in other, unrelated threads. Post moved here.

Matthias Carstens